The Cape
The Cape
TV-14 | 09 January 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
    AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
    DarthBill PLOT: When nice guy family man cop Vince Faraday (David Lyons) is framed for crimes and murders he didn't commit by the criminal known only as Chess, he is forced to go underground, where he joins a rag tag group of circus criminals led by Max Malini (Keith David), who bestows upon him the cape, a mysterious object forged from a time long ago, endowed with magical properties. Determined to bring down the real Chess, Peter Fleming, the evil, corrupt businessman who tore his life apart and get back to his wife and son, Vince becomes the Cape (which incidentally was also the name of his son's favorite comic book superhero), and joins forces with the mysterious computer hacker Orwell (Summer Glau). This series had a lot of potential that was still untapped at the time of its all too early cancellation. True, there were flaws in the execution, which is sometimes to be expected in a debut season. As the lead, David Lyons was good despite not always having the best material to work with (the episodes that aired often had him going on about trying to get back to his family before going off to fight someone - and then talking about his family again afterwards), but he was often upstaged by the supporting cast; in particular veteran character actor Keith David, that burly, baritone voiced force of nature that he is, often devoured Lyons in their scenes together as his mentor. Another problem was some uneven casting in the Faraday family. Lyons definitely had solid chemistry with Jennifer Ferrin, who played his wife Dana, but Ryan Wynott, the child actor chosen to play their son Trip, was a blank. Surely there must have been better child actors who auditioned, because Wynott is incapable of expressing any genuine emotion, which hurt the storyline of Vince trying to get home because his son comes across as so devoid of emotion that he might as well be made of cardboard. That neither the son or wife could recognize Vince as the Cape despite not really changing his voice was also laughable. The introduction of Orwell having feelings for the Cape also came a bit late in the game and, honestly, one has to wonder how it could have gone anywhere when Vince was so steadfastly devoted to his wife. The series did have bright spots though. James Frain was appropriately slimy and chilling as the villain. Summer Glau offered strong support as Orwell the computer whiz. Why this poor woman seems cursed to appear in TV series that don't last is mind boggling. And, as already stated, Keith David brought a much needed breath of zest and panache to his role as Max. The action scenes were generally well done. What's all the more unfortunate is that the series was discontinued just when it was starting to find its groove. The two-part episode "The Lich" in which the Cape must rescue Orwell from a disfigured serial killer was genuinely creepy and kept you on the edge of your seat and showcased Vince's skills as a policeman while giving the 'family is strength' speech a rest. The last aired episode was an engaging undercover story with Vince impersonating an Australian criminal in order to access crucial information from the villains. Alas, it was too little too late, for the series is gone now. An unfortunate waste of a potentially good premise.
    yiNXs A show about a well trained, but ordinary man who get's an extraordinary cape, which turns him into a superhero. So, that said, I want to add that while watching this, you might want to take it easy with your suspension of disbelief. Expect a super hero series and don't expect it to obey all the laws of physics all the time. If you can do that, this show is definitely fun to watch.The first few episodes might not be all to convincing though. They were good enough for me to keep following the series, but they weren't great. The show didn't seem to have any direction at first, the overall plot was clear, but not much was done with it. It seemed to struggle between being a modular show, or being a true serial and the story turned in to some awkward mix. I figured it wouldn't last beyond the first season and considering all the things I read about it, I wasn't the only one with that opinion.Perhaps all that early negative feedback was what this show needed, because the last few episodes have clearly gotten better. It still doesn't seem to be sure what it is, but that's alright now because they've seemed to make it work. I'm actually looking forward to new episodes now.8/10 + 1 because I have faith this will keep getting better.
    justifythegame This show seems like its written by a 12 year old. Its a miracle how it got the green light. As far as superhero shows/movies are concerned, it literally follows every single cliché in the book. Watching the pilot alone you could predict easily what would happen next. There is nothing original in this series. Some of the acting is also questionable but thats the least of the shows problems.What I am utterly confused about is how NBC replaced Heroes with this show. While Heroes might have had its problems, it wasn't unwatchable like this show. These networks are now much more a business than they ever were. Unless their shows rank at the very top in terms of viewers they are prepared to can any show regardless of how good a series is. Replacing a good series with a much worse series is not going to improve their ratings unless they are committed to the preteen demographic.
    robnels2000 I have read all the comments on this show and agree with most of the bad ones.When I saw the previews I was hopeful for a new super hero TV show, Smallville has long past its prime, the last good attempt was with Birds of Prey back in 2002 but it to fell short. Unfortunately what we got was pure bad news, when I watched the pilot all I could think was this was another Flash or Robocop from the 90s' but those shows where nowhere near this bad.I watched the next 3 episodes thinking if they noticed how bad it is they might try to save it and turn it around, they haven't.The problem is how far in to the unbelievable the show gets, I am able to suspend disbelief and imagine some of this may be possible under the right circumstances (in a parallel universe) but that can only go so far, this show is impossible to believe or to wrap my brain around.This is nothing more than a cheap way to fill the time slot that competes with a truly good show called Two and a half men. But what will they do next fall? I know for sure this piece of junk will NOT be back.