Men of a Certain Age
Men of a Certain Age
TV-MA | 07 December 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    blosnich752-1 It is a shame that this show was cancelled. It was far better than anything currently on TV today! It also introduced me to Andrew Braugher, and what a wonderful actor he is. Oh, I need 5 lines to post a comment. Here we go.Blah. Blah. Blah.Let's see if that will do???
    The_late_Buddy_Ryan Probably should come as no surprise that this smart, funny series about three likable guys from the outer reaches of LA only lasted for two seasons on TNT, a network that tends to go in more for sexy-but-damaged blond detectives, smart-mouthed lawyers and (more recently) the reanimated JR. Maybe the fact that an important theme of the series was coping with middle-aged disappointment and scaled-back expectations failed to endear it to fans of (no offense, Ted) formulaic, escapist basic cable. Ray Romano is clearly the perfect casting choice for a part written by and for Ray Romano, Andre Braugher is always welcome, but the big surprise for us was journeyman action hero Scott Bakula ("Quantum Leap," "Star Trek: Enterprise") in the role of Terry, an attractive, confident guy whose acting career seems to have petered out before other opportunities have petered in. Viewers who have experienced such midlife phenomena as sleep apnea and post-divorce dating jitters may find this series especially compelling; strong supporting cast includes Lisa Gay Hamilton as AB's sexy, beyond supportive wife, Jon Manfrellotti as RR's bookie and third-best friend and Emily Rios (who in her brief career has already been on three of the best shows in recent TV history).
    chrisjmcg I've been a fan of this show from Day One, as I was/am a big fan of the three primary actors, particularly Andre Braugher, as he was the fantastic, Emmy winning actor who played Det. Pembelton on NBC's "Homicide: Life On The Streets". But I also thought that Scott Bakula had been fantastic on the quirky but bold "Quantum Leap", and Ray Romano fairly solid on his hit show "Everybody Loves Raymond." However, potential personal biases aside, this show delivers episode after episode with its witty, dry, and even dark humor, the portrayals of the "everyday men" and their struggles, and just very solid writing in general. This show is quite bold (by 21st century standards anyway) with respect to delving into unpopular yet very real subject matter. Personally, I have been very impressed with Ray Romano's transformation, if you will, from a stand-up comedian to sit-com actor to now serious actor. His effortless portrayal of a newly divorced man who missed his dream of being a pro golfer and now has a gambling addiction - speaks volumes to me. (I am also divorced & had a gambling addiction.) I'm writing this review after watching the "A League of Their Owen" episode. Not only is this my favorite to date, but if you're thinking about watching this show and don't have the time to watch all of seasons one and two, my advice is to start from there and let these flawed yet wonderful middle-aged men into your lives and onto your TV schedule. Strong writing, great acting, and even the warm fuzzies you get after watching are few and far between on the TV screen nowadays, making this show a must-see.
    studioAT Great to see Ray Romano back on TV in a series that seems to be a success in the states. It seems to have hacked into a real niche market and is instantly enjoyable to those people.Romano is a great comedic actor and although this show has allowed him to show that it has also meant that he can play some scenes with depth. He is well supported by the rest of the cast and it is nice to see some of the writers from Romano's earlier hit show Everybody Loves Raymond like Tucker Crawley joining the writing staff.You can't see this show running for nearly a decade like Romano's last hit but for now the show seems to be entertaining those of a certain age.