The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Jeremy Kyle Show
| 04 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    Catherina If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
    Sarah Lad Jezza Kyle. The light at the end of my tunnel. The reason I exist. The saviour of my weekday mornings. I don't know if it's his glistening eyes or his chiselled jaw, maybe it's the melodic tone of his voice, but something about him makes his show unbelievably addictive. Waking up and witnessing his peace-making ways makes me restore my faith of the human race. It's a ritual. His words of wisdom and genius are truly hypnotic. He's a God sent down from the heavens. Nothing can stop me from watching his show. One day I broke my record of watching 10 episodes none stop...that's when my fiancé left me. Preach it Jezza, preach it!
    IndecisivePigeon I only gave this show a 1/10 because that was the lowest rating I could choose. Being childish about it, a minus number would have fit the bill perfectly.So, The Jeremy Kyle Show...Where do I begin? Maybe with the fact that the guests who appear on this show are usually bed-hopping, lying, fools who are stupid enough to come on national television and exploit their personal lives and promiscuous doings. I don't want to stereotype or group any certain group of people, but when any person mentions The Jeremy Kyle Show the first thing that comes to mind is a bunch of people who live off the money of tax payers.A lot of people who moan about this show complain about the fact that it's not fair how Jeremy treats these people considering their situation and so on...I will get to that later. But it's their fault for calling up such an awful show to ask for help. If someone told me I was going on the show, I would have a VERY pessimistic attitude.Now, Jeremy Kyle. Well, well, well, where CAN I start with this man? I am a fifteen year old girl and I have a guilty pleasure for chat shows, such as Maury, Steve Wilkos, Trisha ETC... But Jeremy Kyle must be one of the worst chat show hosts I have seen in my short life time. This man is very contradicting and extremely patronizing. He accuses many of the guests on his show for being liars and cheaters...Correct me if I'm wrong but if I can recall it, he had cheated on his ex-wife many times, he stole from her bank account to feed his gambling addiction. I know no one is perfect but who is he to talk to people and judge people the way he does? Overall, The show is just awful and I am damn happy to hear that further shows will not be made/aired.
    Seb Jeremy Kyle has a mouth like an outraged anus and uses it to pour scorn on the absolute dregs of society. His audience consists of the unemployed and people throwing a sickie which is ironically the type of people he hates the most.This miserable wretch is just slightly more intelligent than the people he blasts away at. The only people he is polite to are men who are substantially larger than himself because like all bullies he is quite clearly a massive coward. That's most people because this guy is about four foot tall and has classic angry short man syndrome.He is so pathetic he constantly informs the audience what a great dad he is (the papers disagree), how he beat his gambling addiction (the papers disagree on that too) and how he has helped his brother through whatever problem he is discussing. He probably doesn't even have a brother, I wouldn't put anything past this loser.At the end of it all the lie detector decides on the truth, often dictating whether couples stay together or not but lie detectors aren't anything like infallible, that's why they aren't used in criminal courts. At least one in ten people therefore base life changing decisions on pure random chance and if he doesn't feel ashamed of anything else he should feel ashamed of that.Utterly awful, I've only seen it twice but that was enough for me and both shows were nearly identical anyway so I doubt the format changes much. Rubbish television can sometimes be fun simply because it is so awful but this is soul-draining mean nonsense hosted by one of the most repulsive sanctimonious parasites ever to blight the airwaves. Watching him put his arm around 14 year old pregnant girls while calling them 'babe', 'sweetheart' and 'darling' made me feel physically sick.
    alex sutton This is predominately a very dull program.... and it varies between a 5 and a 10..however, when it's good it is truly brilliant. There is nothing better than watching very stupid, grotesque and pointless humans being so horrifically vile to each other, to then be shouted at like naughty children by a hilariously vile lower middle-class man.It's always a massive wake up call (well it is to me) to constantly remind myself that these people exist. It can get so psychologically extreme that i cant quite believe what's happening..However i should point out that it isn't Jerry Springer. It is not sensationalist in the same way Springer was. This is far more British in its expositions of how horrific the UK really is.These people get to vote!!! Now thats really distressing....
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