The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Jeremy Kyle Show
| 04 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    cmmse If this was a documentary about the lives of chavs, it may have actually been good.
    jacobhin This show has some riveting episodes - like 'who pooed in the fridge?' and 'Jeremy shuts down lesbian man haters'. Good with tea in the morning :)
    Stompgal_87 I very rarely watch daytime television due to going to university during term time and having the radio on in the background on my days off, but when I spent time in the communal lounges in my previous residential care home as well as in the outreach/supported living unit of my current home, I have had the misfortune to put up with my housemates watching this piece of trash as well as the American version, which is just as bad.There are several reasons why I despise this show. One of them is that Jeremy is almost always nasty to the guests on it and another is that things can get very heated between the guests and Jeremy himself (i.e. they become very shouty) so that a security guard has to be called on stage from time to time. The lie detector and DNA results are tiresome as well. I can only think of two tolerable episodes of this show. One involved a mother who lost her son and the other involved Jeremy meeting disadvantaged children, which is the only episode I remember where he wasn't nasty. I must admit that I did sympathise with Jeremy upon hearing the news of his cancer scare, but this isn't saying much.Overall, this is an unbearable talk show that has only spawned two episodes that I could tolerate. 1/10.
    Mis Behavin This programme is the equivalent of the old freak shows where people used to laugh at the more unfortunate within society.Now, not a lot of guests on TJKS are 'unfortunate'. In fact, it's plain to see their problems are mostly entirely self-inflicted. What really gets my back up though is Mr Smug himself - oh yes - put your hands together (by pain of death) for Jeremy Kyle. The most sanctimonious piece of s**t ever to grace a television screen. This man has seen and done it all and he never fails to get in the face of some poor b*st*rd who has come on either for his 15 minutes of fame or maybe a bit of help from Kyle's counsellors.I think someone would have to be seriously damaged to air their problems on a show like this - and this programme manipulates that vulnerability to the max.The one thing that particularly disturbs me is some of the warring young couples who come on the show to fight over paternity of their 'bay-bey'. What the hell do these poor babies have going for them with dead-heads like these as parents. Some of them look like they couldn't find their bum with both hands, let alone raise a child.This show is a sad indictment of everything Britain has become.