Paranormal Lockdown
Paranormal Lockdown
TV-14 | 04 March 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Clevercell Very disappointing...
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    kwest-17237 I am sooo disappointed in Nick. He did well in Ghost Adventures and working with Zacks crew. I am a huge fan of that show! But seeing Nick go from that to this is a huge disappointment. He went backwards in my opinion. To me, this show is faker than fake. I find myself watching it just to talk about how ridiculous it is! As I watch the show I'm thinking to myself "are you serious?, really??, how much unreal could you be?" I cannot staaaaaaand Katrina. I can't stand the tone of her voice, I can't stand the way she talks, I can't stand the way she does anythiiiiing. She needs to find another hobby other than investigating the paranormal! Nick onthe other hand needs to reconcile with Ghost Adventures. Now, the show. I do like the fact that they stay the 3 nights. But that's about all I like bc everything else is just ridiculous. They don't even make anything seem real.... . There were two episodes I watched that I just cracked up at. Nick slept in the kitchen the night before but as they were investigating Katrina was in one room and nick was in another m, Nick just walked out of the kitchen but when the camera went to Katrina all the sudden all the cabinets and draws in the kitchen were open. SERIOUSLY?????? they hardly captured any evidence and all the sudden cabinets and doors open and they act like "oh wow that's crazy" and moved on. I would be freaking out if that happened during an investigation! But that's just me. The other episode I watched is when their camera man got "bit".... twice. Like there was two bite marks on his back. Lol.... just LOL. nice try guys, nice try. If you want a successful show.... MAKE IT REAL!!!! Don't make the "faking" so obvious !So there's my two cents! Have a good day people!! :)
    brokenmirror-06813 Really surprised this has such a high rating being so poor. Nothing ever happens. It's shot mainly in night vision purposely so that you can't actually see well. When they start acting like "they're scared" it's guaranteed to be in night vision and to have a camera bouncing around to ensure that you can't see that nothing is in fact there. There are much better shows and documentaries out there than this garbage.
    pathanb1 This is just a rehash of the same recipe that made programs like "Ghost Hunters" cringe-worthy.1. Ultra-long intro sequence with spooky music that says 'Location of the Week' is spooky and full of ghosts.2. Testimonies from the researchers about the spookiness and ghosts of the LotW.3. Wandering around LotW, jumping at "clear" sounds and sightings that either "oh, sorry, camera just missed" or "you can clearly see it/hear it in the footage/audio" while you really, really can't.4. Shots of walking and standing around LotW with nothing happening.5. The actors rambling on about how they 'feel' stuff, and that things have definitely happened and more are going to happen, we have seen a lot already and we'll see even more (no we didn't, no we won't).6. Very bad acting.Bottom line: Horror movies are cool. Paranormal Lockdown tries to convince you to have that same jump-scare fun without any of the jump-scare content. It's just a low-effort cash-grab and it should be discouraged.
    psychobike Those that posted a review prior to this one all have legit points. It is super easy to point out negative aspects of somebody else work. I personally can think of just as many positive views on this series as negative.Nick, you really do need to seriously pay attention to both type of reviews being the Good and Bad ones. If you any interest at all in creating the most successful paranormal show ever, then make your investigations about what the viewers want to see. Be unique, and the shows will grow unlike any others. Put yourself around those that support you in the manner of giving the viewers what they ask for.You did a decent job for a 1st season. I'm looking forward to you stepping things up for the next season. Good luck!