Finding Bigfoot
Finding Bigfoot
TV-14 | 30 May 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    bobsprit It seems sort of unsportsmanlike to attack a show like this. Obviously they will find nothing. Think about it. If they FOUND Bigfoot, it would be front-page news worldwide and not awaiting post production to air on Animal Planet. But it can be entertaining to watch this unspool in the same way it's fun to watch bad B movies like Attack of the Crab Monsters or The Deadly Mantis. The problem is that we get to SEE the monsters in those movies, cheesy or not, you get the cookie in the end. This show has no cookies for you beyond CGI work that makes Sharknado look like Jurassic World by comparison. So dig in and if there's no old shows on how to make stained glass birdhouses, this may be just the ticket.
    O2D Nine seasons into this dumb show they have still found nothing.I never expected them to find a Bigfoot, I just thought they might find some evidence.Any evidence.They haven't found anything except small groups of other idiots who are lonely from living in the woods so they make up stories.But that's not even why this show sucks.The star is a giant retard named Bobo and he likes to say "squatchy" which makes me hate him even more.His co-host is an ugly, angry lesbian who is only there to create conflict.It's the one who never believes and it's pathetic.Recently they have started to rip-off Pop-Up Video by adding random stupid things to read on the screen, probably to distract you from the fact that you are watching a steaming pile of poop.Animal Planet is a sad, sad joke.
    rjw510 Maybe it's the comedy value of this show that compels me to give it 3/10 when it deserved less than nothing.For some reason I'm addicted to Finding Bigfoot. It's absurd. These guys claim to be experts on something that might not even exist and go out filming in forests in the middle of the night. Oh, and everything, whether it's a broken branch, a dead animal or a sound in the forest, is 110% proof of Bigfoot. If they went into my garden they'd come back telling me there were definitely Bigfoot in the area.Matt Moneymaker (come on...) is the self-proclaimed leader of the group, like a fat, bearded Fred Jones. He claims that everything an eyewitness describes to him is "classic Bigfoot". Classic Bigfoot? You're saying you know for sure that something is classic behaviour for a creature that probably doesn't exist? Yeah sure, OK I'll buy it."Oh yeah, that tree that's been stripped of a square inch of bark is classic Bigfoot behaviour".-----------"You saw something big and hairy hiding behind a tree? Classic 'squatch."-----------"You hear that noise?""What, you mean the alarm going off on our car?""No, that's the mating call of a Sasquatch".Sigh... F**k off, Matt.But for some reason I keep going back and watching. Maybe there's a small part of me that wants them to be real and expects these bumbling fools to one day surprise us all and accidentally stumble across some compelling evidence. But until then, I will continue to watch, laugh and shake my head in disbelief at the sheer levels of incompetence and delusion.
    futurelinkadvisor Spoiler alert, they never find Bigfoot because he is imaginary. They go to different towns and have a "town hall meeting" where 3/4 of the people raise their hand when they ask if people have seen big foot. I'm sure no one got paid to be there or raise their hand, it's co- incidence. Then they go to where people supposedly saw Bigfoot and have Bobo walk around and if he walks in the same spot this proves Bigfoot was there. Then they go out in the woods at night and say every noise they hear is "a Squatch." Then they make "calls" to these Bigfoot creatures and say they answer back. Since there has never been any DNA evidence of bigfoot, they got a job as long as the ratings hold. I'm so jealous but it's boring to watch.