Ghost Lab
Ghost Lab
| 06 October 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    eric-pudalov Having seen a number of paranormal-related shows over the years, Ghost Lab seems to be one of the better ones, but still lacks in some areas.Although many of the "ghost" shows currently on TV suffer from either poor editing or an unstimulating cast of ghost hunters, Ghost Lab, at the very least, does have an absorbing premise, and features such interesting locations as the town of Deadwood and the house where the Lizzie Borden murders took place. The show also seems well-edited to create good pacing, and the theories that the investigators come up with are sometimes plausible.Unfortunately, the show suffers from some drama, if you will, centered around the hosts' "provocation" of alleged spirits (particularly by Brad Klinge). In a sense, I suppose this may draw in some viewers, but there are times when it becomes rather annoying and overshadows the investigation itself.I suppose the problem with any show like this is that investigators never know what kind of evidence they will or will not uncover, and often the results can be lackluster (as opposed to a fictitious drama show). Judge for yourself!
    brittonwa Ghost, specters, spooks, apparitions, and demons seem to be all the rage nowadays and the public is hungry for as many paranormal investigation shows it can fit down it's gullet. "Ghost Lab" is one of these shows. Led by the Klinge Brothers, soft spoken Barry and excitable Brad, the Ghost Lab team travel throughout the U.S. to reportedly haunted locations in search for paranormal evidence. Though the team has a huge amount electronic and scientific equipment, Brad's favorite method for luring out ghost is good old fashion provocation. Unfortunately, he's not very good at it as he rant and rave without the tact necessary to cleverly lure a spirit in front of the camera. However Brad's attempts to bully the ghosts into revealing themselves sometimes pay off and the results are usually amusing but the excitement is short-lived. Ghost Lab, like with most paranormal investigation shows, just doesn't have enough paranormal activity to keep your full attention.What works for this show is the editing and Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs). By building the drama with eerie or abrupt music and running short clips that leads to whatever strange is about to happen, it gives the viewer hope that some paranormal discovery is just around the corner. It's a pretty good effect to keep the viewer interested.Occasionally, there is history pertaining to the reportedly haunted location and is narrated by the familiar voice of Mike Rowe. With photos and sometimes a dramatization, Rowe's voice, which can range from sympathetic to strangely haunting itself, compliments the mini history lesson. The history narrative can sometimes be the most interesting part of the show.Watching Ghost Lab is not the worst way to spend an hour, the show definitely has its moments. It just need a little more ghosts and a little less Brad's obnoxious provocations.
    patherwill Having now struggled through 9 episodes of this series, Ghost Lab, I feel I have not only given it a fair amount of time to improve show on show but also believe I am reasonably qualified to comment either favorably or not on the program. The two leads in each show are brothers Barry and Brad Klinge. What their respective qualifications or scientific knowledge or experience is I don't know and if that has been mentioned I must have missed it other than the fact that they and their 'team' of what appears to be equally unqualified people try each episode to make contact with ghosts,apparitions,call them what-you-will in various alleged reportedly haunted locations collecting recordings of voices,photos of apparitions and other similar phenomena. Do the Ghost Lab receive a Government Grant to pay for or towards ANY of their seemingly expensive gear, private funding or are they self-funding I wonder? Despite the fact that I would really want to see or hear something from their camera or sound equipment I have to say that on NOT ONE OCCASION when either Klinge brother professed to have seen or heard something and the remainder of the team readily agreed in Nodding Dog Fashion did I see or hear anything, and believe me I wanted to. They were like sheep, following their leader.Absolute rubbish!
    maxp84z Now I know what you're all thinking. Why ANOTHER Paranormal show? Also why is it on Discovery channel? I want to dismiss the similarities between other ghost shows. (like Ghost Hunters for example) They use a lot of the same techniques and gadgets. They also use some new techniques and gadgets we haven't seen before. Like the data loggers and the era cues. The cast consists of two brothers who had their own paranormal experience some years ago. They are the lead characters on the show. The other cast members are a bit unforgettable at this moment in the show so hopefully we'll get to know more about them in the future.Sometimes the show feels like a rehash of Ghost Hunters. Especially since they investigate the same places. Still I found the show to be refreshing and entertaining. It's just the same thing from a different method and perspective.I just hate how the Paranormal genre has been over saturated on Television. Just the other night I was flicking through channels and on the CARTOON network they have a show where young teenagers conduct paranormal experiments of their own. It's called The Othersiders. Sadly I wasn't as surprised as I should have been. If a bunch of grown men can be jumpy at the smallest sign of something paranormal, imagine a 16-17 year old kid.Anyway to get back on topic, Ghost Lab is an entertaining Paranormal show that is up there with shows like Ghost Hunters. I think since Ghost Hunters lost a lot of credibility in 2008, Ghost Lab was created to try to take it's place. Also being on Discovery channel only helps to add to the credibility of the show.Out of all the paranormal shows on television today, I believe Ghost Lab is here to stay.