The Super Hero Squad Show
The Super Hero Squad Show
| 14 September 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    DCfan Okay, I have to admit when The Super Hero Squad Show first came out when I was younger. I didn't find any interest what so ever.But when I saw few episodes of this show last year and one this year. I have to say it is subordinate for someone who is 1-7 years old for newer generations of Marvel fans. But I have to admit some episodes are just "What am I watching?" for example there was an episode of a 3-year-old girl constantly crying because she was causing destruction with a fractal and her dad was looking for her but overall it is a watchable show.If Teen Titans Go! was like this I would actually recommend it. But avoid that show and watch this instead because this will feel like an actual superhero show.
    rickshawblade OK...If you are obsessed about comics and movies about Superheros as I am, then you should appreciate any and all attempts to reach all ages with their stories for ALL AGES. If The Super Hero Squad Show is not your speed, then why should you critic it? Unless you want to show them as they are in the comics or in the movies, which is redundant. Why show the same thing over and over? And this goes to you mostly dragoniawriter. If you don't like the show quit watching it, it's for kids, switch the channel or simply turn off the tube and go out and be a real superhero. All in all I'm just saying, Daddy's got his shows and the kids have theirs. Which I watch...personally, I'm a DC guy myself.
    ms_chef_wannabe A lot of the reviews and message boards claim this is a cartoon that only kids will enjoy. Yes, I think kids will enjoy this, but guess what? Adults with an open mind can too! If you're like me and not too familiar with the whole comic book lore, then perhaps you'll enjoy this cartoon. Not being familiar with who is who and who is an adversary of who helps me not take this cartoon too seriously. Sometimes it's enjoyable just to sit back, relax, and laugh. The humor isn't all bathroom jokes as some would suggest. Some of the jokes are pretty creative (check out Dr. Doom's teddy bear!).Basically the cartoon focuses on a small group of superheroes (led by Iron Man) and their battles against super-villains (led by Dr. Doom). The groups interact with other superheroes and super-villains so you never know who you're going to meet in each episode. There's more to it, but I don't want to say too much. If you want to watch, watch it with an open mind, not with a mindset to critique or compare it with other superhero cartoons. Look at it as a satire and something to laugh at after a hard day at work. Your kids will love it and hopefully you will too.
    shawneve This is for all of the adults who say the show is crap... Get over yourselves.I have 3 boys and they can't get enough of this show, and as others have mentioned it was made for KIDS!I think it is great that Marvel/Disney are adapting the characters for different demographics. I don't let my kids watch the more mature Marvel shows, but this one is good kid fun and they now know and love all the characters. When they get older perhaps they will continue that love and buy the comic books.My kids are also playing the Wii game of the show, and love that as well.