BoJack Horseman
BoJack Horseman
TV-MA | 22 August 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    tomascaffa As most reviewers have already said, this show has an unexpected depth in so many issues such as depression, society, happiness, relationships and meaning of life. At first, I thought it was a typical american sitcom with easy jokes and simple storyline because the half of the first season is like that (I think they're just trying to introduce the characters) but as the story unfolds, the viewer is presented with a representation of flaws in every single character. From the low self-esteem of Bojack to Todd's problem of finding himself and ignoring it by doing nonsense and stupid projects. Undoubtedly, a very interesting show where several conclusions can be made, I strongly encourage you all to watch it and draw your own conclusions about all these issues the show embrace, because that's the most enjoyable part of Bojack Horseman in my opinion.
    nicktatta I mean come on, the writing is fantastic and engaging and frigging hilarious. Stick with it and it gets better and better as you get to know can actually relate if you've lived in SoCal too
    Bastien Soucasse I understand why BoJack Horseman is the king of the Netflix's animated shows. I really loved the show. Every single episode is very funny but deals with today's society, with a lot of emotions. I kind of felt inside the story, like I was part of it. It made me feel a lot of things and the plot is very taking. I'm really looking forward watching the next seasons.
    wweltz This show is funny, heartbreaking, and endlessly insightful. It is full of silly animal puns and dark, soul crushing looks into the existential nightmare we all collectively share navigating this thing called life. Will Arnett is an unbelievably talented voice actor, bringing the titular character to life and making him endlessly relatable and empathetic even though Bojack could easily be played as a hopeless, narcissistic monster. The rest of the cast is equally fantastic. You love these characters. You want to hold them and protect them from the vapid void of Hollywood but at the same time you realize that even though these stories are set in an atmosphere so removed from your own life, these stories are painfully familiar. You want to help them because they are you. But at the same time, this show never falls into the trap of casting its characters as clear heroes or villains. That determination is left up to the audience. Every character is fully formed. Shown to have good and evil desires, and their choices, and their actions are yours to interpret and judge. The show is rife with puns, visual gags, and layered jokes and it gets funnier on every re-watch (much like Arnett's other vehicle Arrested Development). If anything about this show is turning you off, please ignore that instinct and give this show a chance. I am so annoyed at myself for waiting so long to get into it and so glad I did. It is incredibly entertaining and incredibly thought provoking. You will walk away having experienced something more akin to fine art than a cartoon with anthropomorphic animals.