Marvel's Inhumans
Marvel's Inhumans
TV-PG | 29 September 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    MahdAlShami In terms of representation is ok. The production hand is not good. The story is very rickety
    heavonliisoul-03169 It's as average as average can get. The Inhuman's don't seem to use their power's or the lack there of as they should. How after decades the king don't know how to control his power's without killing everything? Every super hero ever written eventually mastered their power's and was able to control what it does. Why is it the queen only have power's with her hair yet the real medusa can turn people into stone just by you looking at her. Medusa's hair was made of snakes as was her body, yet the queen completely lost all her power's once her hair was shaved off. The purpose of this sitcom was to keep the Marvel legacy alive and thriving for individual's such as me. I even got my kid's hooked on them. Please Please Please take this away from ABC and give it to CW where all the superhero sitcom's come to life. Making you wish it was real. The cast would have been a great cast, however, whomever directed this sitcom did a horrible job! I'm really disappointed that they have this big sweet dog that can teleport, but he's lazy as all outdoor's. The breed of dog is just that in real life... very lazy, so what did you expect? Gorgon was easily killed then brought back only to be going mad, Titan just got shot then dove into the water and didn't want to be found until the king had the dog summon's him. Everyone was just weak in my opinion! The King stole clothing knowing he was different and on earth to run off like a girl and only destroy 1 cop car, but was easily taken down by human's to top it off was a sad sad day for the Marvel's brand! Please fix this like it was truly written and watch the rating's soar!!!
    randolph-18 For those of you of somehow "tolerated" the show instead of changing the channel. For those of you how chose to give Inhumans a negative review instead of just going to the local theater to watch your fav movie. You have made it clear that you are used to crapping on the works of others who have worked so hard. This is given that I read what Imax did with the first two eps; that was unfortunate. As TV shows go, Inhumans far out weighs most of the content filler series out there as far as special f/x, action, cinematography, characters, and writing. It definitely out weighs The Gifted - which is a pretty good Marvel Drama. It's unfortunate that Inhumans, the TV show, has been sequestered from the rest of the Marvel Universe because it would be an excellent crossover continuation of the Marvel Series on the big screen.
    carolinedrayton Ok, it's not great. At times super cringeworthy (Wait for Medusa's hair!) tbh. But certainly not terrible and has enough promise that I've signed up to defend it against what feels like overly harsh reviews. Everyone likes what they like. This is a poor cousin marvel series that gets off to a rocky start. Buuuuut after two episodes watched whilst messing around on tablet in background I'll keep watching. Feels a bit like they've gone for the tween market but I'm pushing 40 and finding it an easy distraction. If you have something urgent to do or another series more pressing go for it, otherwise it's very much 'meh' tv with some high points. Oh and I don't really get the god name links and I'm pretty sure him from Game of Thrones might drop this off his CV but hopefully all will be sorted by later episodes!