The Flash
The Flash
TV-PG | 20 September 1990 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Wordiezett So much average
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Dalbert Pringle You know, when it comes to getting myself, even marginally, excited over watching yet another superhero TV program (yawn!) - I certainly have to say that, at this point, I've become totally immune (as well as blasé) about it all.But, of course, with that said - I do want you to know that I honestly did try to give The Flash (from 1990) at least the benefit of the doubt just to see if this show could, indeed, spark within me that old interest which I once held for the likes of DC Comics' superheroes.But, unfortunately, The Flash (in all of its "superhero" predictability) quickly turned out to be just the "same-old/same-old" crime-fighting business right from the word "go".Anyway - Here are 2 things that totally killed me about The Flash character - (1) The absolutely laughable muscle-suit that he wore. (Spare me!) - (2) Through all of his amazing, super-accelerated physical exertion, never once did The Flash ever break out into even the slightest sweat, at all. (Ha! Give me a break, already!)
    Theacadian74-1 The Flash was a great series and I'm sure it would've really hit its stride in its second season, if it would've HAD a second season. It wasn't given a fair chance. I loved that show but, like others have on this forum have said, it was bounced around the TV schedule like a rubber ball, and often preempted because of the Gulf War, which took precedence on the airwaves. The acting was great, the special effects were quite good for the time, and the episodes were quite entertaining. I own on the complete series on DVD now that it's available on DVD and I really enjoy watching episodes. I wonder if it will become a sort of cult classic....Or maybe it is already?
    rinke1971 The thing that caught my attention when I first saw the show on TV was the special effects. They ended up being the death of the show, NOT the casting of soap-opera hunk J.W. Shipp. Admittedly, some of the scripts are better than others, but there is always a bit of tongue-in-cheek superhero humor in every episode (e.g. he has to change a baby's diapers VERY fast!). The chemistry between Barry, Tina and Julio is as good as any on TV. Another excellent tip is that Danny Elfman scored the show, and that is reflected Batman-esquire in something else. You don't know what year the show is taking place in. In some episodes, 30's circa cars and clothes are depicted, other times it might be slightly in the future with the technology available. Stuff like that can go a long way. Mark Hamill (in 2 episodes) and Shaun Cassidy do good work as villains, and the various love-interests that come along don't fall flat. Sigh... just like so many other good things - too much, too good, too late.
    Rob Vincent (Rob_T_Firefly) I was a big fan of this show the first time around. I was already something of a comic fan, and this series was a great translation of the material into a series. The Flash was a great-looking show, and the actors played their parts flawlessly. John Wesley Shipp, who played the Flash, has that Bruce Campbell-like ability to portray a likable, average guy, who just happens to get super powers. His sidekick, the lovely Amanda Pays (formerly of Max Headroom) was a good, but underused, addition to the show.The special effects were surprisingly good for a TV show, although I do seem to remember some wince-inducing moments, like one villain whose costume included - unless my memory is really messing with me, which has been known to happen - a Nintendo Power Glove.On the subject of villains, they were usually done well. I highly recommend the episodes starring Mark Hamill as the Trickster. Fans of the animated Batman series will notice an early version of Hamill's Joker persona here, which is interesting since the Flash comics' Trickster character was basically a rehash of Batman's Joker in the first place.All in all, this show really didn't deserve to get canned after one season. Given another season, it could have grown into something classic. Luckily, videos of this seem fairly easy to come by, so it's still possible to check out this underrated footnote in the history of superhero television.