TV-14 | 15 March 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    gridoon2018 This spy series has some things going for it: good cast (Ashley Judd is equally adept at action and drama), European locations (much of it is actually shot on those locations), some shocking plot twists (though the fact that Paul is alive is not one of them; you don't hire Sean Bean to have him killed five minutes into the pilot episode) and well-hidden villains. On the other hand, it's a very clichéd show; there is very little here that hasn't already been done before, and better. "Alias" came out a decade earlier, and although it "faked" its locations unlike "Missing", its action scenes were more exciting. Also, 10 episodes may be too many for a show that is based on a single, simple premise (son goes missing; mom tries to find him), without any significant subplots except for her back-from-the-dead husband. It's a take-it-or-leave-it show; it's watchable, but not terribly compelling. **1/2 out of 4.
    filmboom I wholeheartedly CONCUR with "julesrulesny" assessment of the network's pulling the plug on "Missing". Did you see the 2012 Emmy broadcast? You know...the awards show wherein NONE of the four original networks were NOMINATED for awards for TV Drama?!!They HAD a good thing in Missing and they BLEW IT. It was severely underestimated and might have been a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. As in, "I think I heard a neighbor of my daughter's who said he didn't like it, so let's pull it off the air".Whatever...Jimmy Kimmel mentioned the absence of the networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS) nominations, tossing it off as the citizenry "wanting to see boobs" which was underestimating the loathing the people of the U.S. have for the original three. If you want good shows, tune in to AMC, Fox, TNT, USA! Screw the networks who are under the thumbs of censors! I worked in the film business for 30 years and have been watching TV Drama for twice that long and MY assessment? Missing...another show too good for TV.
    ivormiami it is great how nobody noticed that most of the sea shots were done in Croatia - Island of Hvar and Dubrovnik. The ignorance of people is amazing. For most world travelers this is an insult of how the scenes are said to be in one place then the actual scene is made of two totally different real life places. Quite strange. The show is interesting, but at times naive...but then again the plot is really intense and interesting...we all criticize but still watching every episode... Ashley Judd is...well...sometimes great, but sometimes really bad...she is sometimes doing the scenes just to do them..like she is on the trip and enjoying the sun and scenery, while does not care about the show. The rest of the cast is really great by names, but do they under perform or what.
    irideluongo I like the cast and the idea for this show is OK. It's nothing we haven't already seen before, but has good potential. I love the different locations as well as the lights that doesn't put the show always dark. There are some things though that make me think it won't get renewed. It feels like a low budget TV show as per: 1. very little special effects 2. the plot is predictable, as a matter of fact I knew from the start who suspect 0 was. 3. The writing isn't fully satisfactory not intriguing enough, lacks of details and the dialogs are very elementary. 4. Judd-Giannini's old affair doesn't make me crave for more. 5. the action in general is slow (we are all used to the JJ Abrams ideas on spy shows for example) so this series looks a bit too basic in my opinion. There's so much that can be improved and I hope they will. I hope the team behind this show will turn things around as I'm enjoying seeing Ashley Judd and in particular Italian actor Adriano Giannini perform in this show. Good luck, I will keep watching!!!!
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