Cold Lazarus
Cold Lazarus
| 26 May 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Spydy I'm a big fan of British TV and this series sounded as though it was going to be right up my alley.While the parts with the scientists were fine enough, too much time was spent with "Martina" the American financier - her bits were absolutely unwatchable, contained zero entertainment or interest value and effectively torpedoed what would have otherwise escaped as a passable sci-fi yarn.Perhaps this could be remade with more focus on what makes the story interesting.3 out of 10
    neongen First I'll write that Karoake is great, this follow-up is crap. The dialogue, characters, casting sets and plot all stink. Worse it makes a muddle of Karoake , which seemed to be an outstanding story on the nature of was Feeld affecting "real world" events ? Cold Lazarus never answers this and dwells on societal control of substitutes for things such as cigarettes and coffee ( tho never touching on why this should be important to the "ruling powers") ..crap. CL never explains how Feeld affected reality in Karoake, but throws in his twin brother's history in some meaningless way that does not settle the questions raised by Karoake at all.Cheap claptrap. What did Feeld say at the end ?
    johannes-kemppanen This mini-series was shown on Finnish TV on last Christmas. What brought me to watch it was a picture on a TV guide magazine and the premise: "scientists are trying to recover memories from a frozen head." OK... As a fan of sci-fi in general I did some searching on the Web and was impressed enough to decide that I would spend some 4 hours of my precious Christmas holiday watching this one. I wasn't disappointed.Cold Lazarus tells the story of a group of scientists in the future who are trying to recover memories from a hundreds-of-years old frozen severed head of a screenwriter Daniel Feeld, a character who was introduced in the earlier mini-series "Karaoke". (Which was also shown on the day before "Cold Lazarus") The man died to cancer in "Karaoke", but apparently he decided to get his head frozen.The future world is a truly strange place where giant media empire controls the people. It seems truly unethical to make entertainment from a dead man's most painful memories. (Including very disturbing images of sexual abuse as a child.) Then there was also this group called RON (Reality Or Nothing) who fought with weapons against the media. Interesting analogy to today.Technical quality was overall very good. The special effects were fine, although some set pieces and especially props had a "cheap" look on them. That didn't bother me too much."Cold Lazarus" is always worth watching.
    r3d373 I remember seeing both Karaoke and Cold Lazarus a few years ago and recently wished to watch them again.As it was co-produced by the BBC and Channel 4 they arranged to screen them con-currently across both channels.I have searched but can not find any information on a video release of them. So I contacted both television companies regarding a possible release but they both replied with the same answer. There are no plans for a commercial release of either and probably will never will be. I can only hope that sometime it the future they'll decide to share such a masterpiece.