The Last Train
The Last Train
| 07 April 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Dotbankey A lot of fun.
    Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    craig-651 I was hooked on this mini series watching it religiously for weeks on end, only to move house to Wales where we couldn't get any reception.I'd love to see the final episodes of this mini series or buy it. So my comment is to assist the above gentleman's words although we're years apart. There are still people out there that would love a re-run of this series and to buy the film. If anyone from ITV comes across this then please release the mini series on DVD.If anyone comes across this on the internet I would appreciate a link to where I could acquire it.Craig.
    herbertanchovy I thought parts of this were a little far fetched, I mean they went to the lock up to collect the van after 50 years, not only does it have tyres that haven't perished, an engine that hasn't seized, and a magic battery that is still able to take a charge after 50 years, but also a special type of diesel fuel that doesn't separate into waxy compounds over the years..however, as the man says-come doomsday the last vehicle running will be a Mercedes benz also they find a supply of fuel has been left for them to reach the convenient it wasn't petrol? why didn't they use motorways to reach their destination instead of bumping along dirt tracks? How come that pub still had food and drink left and the jukebox and generator still work perfectly? that aside, it was a great twist as you see them driving off past a gravestone that clearly shows they have been asleep a lot longer than the 14 years they originally thought
    Robski At a time when ITV was struggling to make drama that did not revolve around a rose tinted view of the fifties or was based in a medical practise in the Derbyshire hills this post apocalyptic (forgive the corny cliche) drama came as a welcome surprise. With a cast of familiar faces but no real stars this was 6 episodes of excellent well written and characterised drama. The similarity with Survivors is evident. The main character in Survivors searched for her son, in The Last Train the main character searched for her former lover. Still they both got into scrapes to entertain us.Commendable performances from James Hazeldine and Treva Etienne and a truly moving death scene form Amita Dhiri (remember that punch in This Life) but more than this was a taut plot that had twists and turns but was still focussed.I would hope The Last Train would be released on DVD sometime soon, It was great.
    MikeR-22 If you liked any Quartermass, Threads, Village of the Dammed or books like "After the Rain", "Chalk Giants" or anything by John Wyndham then this is one for you.Unrelenting post-apocalypse depression that I believe only works if you grew in the U.K. in the seventies. I liked it a lot.