NR | 23 January 1977 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    ShelbyTMItchell As we are still striving to make sense and harmony of racial relations. As this miniseries from the 1977 TV season that drew over 100M people and how it introduced the world to how racism really began about.It shows the struggle to be free and how it looks at the descendants of the late Alex Haley, author the book thinking that the word "free" would never, ever come.By showing the struggles that these people have. From Kunta Kinte the main protagonist to his line of family linage like Kizzy, Chicken George, etc.A great cast led by a then unknown Levar Burton and great writing. Shows us that this miniseries needs to be seen not just in the past, but present and future generations to come.No matter what race, color, creed, gender, religion, etc we belong in. For it is the fight to accept others like in the past that has since occurred in the present and in the future to come.Haley should take a bow for opening up 100M to the fight to remain free and accept others!
    NiceGuyJTK Roots was a good movie but was stolen from another book. To top it off, it was stolen from a fictional book. I cant believe most people don't know of this. I guess we can thank the media."Haley, Alex (1977) , Pulitzer Prize winning author of Roots. Plagiarism. He settled a lawsuit for $650,000, admitting that large passages of Roots were copied from the book The African by Harold Courlander. " title=Plagiarism#Alex_Haley_-_Roots_.281977.29America's love affair with Roots, the most revered miniseries of all "time, allowed Haley to emerge unscathed when writer Harold Courlander sued him for plagiarism of his novel The African. (Haley paid him $650,000 in 1978.) Will Nobile's smoking gun revive the historians' case against Haley's integrity? The Pulitzer Prize committee currently is considering Nobile's brief to rescind Haley's 1977 prize. The controversy may also cast a shadow on the book version of Queen, due from Morrow this May." -Tim Appelo
    afijamesy2k This TV movie and mini-series is like no other has ever seen, it not only change the way we look at our ancestors, America, it has also change the world forever, this great TV movie featuring Kunte and the crew and the rest is history, great performances by the cast, wonderful story, terrific cinematography, wonderful writing and everything else, your know the 1970's was a depressing time for America, disco, Watergate and many others that has hurt the world deeply, this, star wars, close encounters of the third kind brought us deeply closer together, I Wanna thank Alex Haley and the crew for letting my watch this great mini-series and it will be on for many generations to come.See this TV movie like no other.
    leighabc123 This movie had a terrific plot with almost every great actor and actress from the 1970s in it. It was Levar Burton's acting debut. It even had Robert Reed AKA Mike Brady as a slave owner and OJ Simpson. It had a younger Madge Sinclair and many other great actresses such as Cicily Tyson playing the motherly type role that she plays in every movie and Maya Angelou. Louis Gossett, Jr. made this movie. But I don't believe Alex Haley successfully traced his roots that many generations and know half of the things that went on in his family. The names are probably the only true thing in this movie. None of the experiences are real. This is realistic fiction. It took a lot of creativity to create this movie. This movie was way ahead of its time. But just by looking at this movie, you can tell that the plot is made up and not really the experiences that Alex Haley's ancestors experienced. This movie is entertaining, but do not take it seriously at all! I never give a movie on 5 stars, but I am going to make an exception for this one.