Midnight, Texas
Midnight, Texas
TV-14 | 24 July 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    teleriferchnyfain-331-328173 I personally love reading Charlene Harris' books - and this is a decent adaptation. Love the concept, it's not all that angsty yet, and that vamp with the blue eyes - let me tell you I first saw THAT in a Korean drama (Vampire Prosecutor) and I'm ecstatic that someone decided to put them in Lemuel!!! The fact that I've managed to watch this, when I normally quit American TV shows after about 2 episodes unless it's SF, says something. I really enjoy this despite some clichés etc. Quirky & fun so far! AND a weretiger!
    durur6 In full disclosure, I have not read any of the books. I assume they are in the same category(I just cannot grace them with the word genre) with most of this overwritten vapid stuff. This wasn't researched at all. I suppose the author just made it up as she went along. The inattention to detail is apparent in the script for the TV version as well. The writing is horrible but is probably in line with the original work. There is no character development at all. There is nothing that makes anyone care about any of these people. When this occurs the first blame goes to the writing, then the director. The acting is not great either. I only recognize a few of them. I know this is going to sound really mean but you know to whom this series was directed when the guys are all prettier than the girls. The production design, costuming, and art direction all show a lack of budget which indicates a lack of commitment to the vision thus the series. I just don't see this in next season's lineup. The story is tenuous. It is a total waste of time. I mean you know its a dud when you DVR it and fast-forward through more than just the commercials. I was going to give it a single star but reconsidered and gave it 3 stars just because I like some of the actors.
    mkh102 This show is enjoyable and light. It is easy to watch and I look forward to it each week. I don't have to concentrate to follow the story-line and just find it a good and fun show. I like all the characters except for Manfred's girlfriend Creek. Not a lot to be said about it really, there is something different going on each week alongside the ongoing story of impending doom. I wish IMDb didn't make you write 5 lines, really does anyone read the long-winded reviews the wannabe critics leave? I like what I like, I don't need to read a load of other's opinions to decide if I watch something or not.
    kitsune_pr Awful, awful plot, wooden characters, badly thought out story line......desperately trying to be as well executed as True Blood and fails miserably. I've never read the books but from what I gather they're just as badly written. The characters are really awful and unlikable, the Witch next door being the worst....why is she Wiccan? why is a woman who is portrayed as having actual magical power practicing a made up religion from the 60's? It's just dumb...the whole thing is pointless...makes me so angry because I was really looking forward to it