TV-14 | 15 May 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    lme30122-279-665067 This show is not about religion at all. It may show them In Church a couple times. Watch till the end. U will like it. Someone didn't give it a chance. And I'm not sure where this one review for hillbilly comes in. Lol. Must never met a real hillbilly I'm an avid movie and TV watcher. And this is a keeper. I love just about any type of show that is good. I'm a very hard critic and I enjoyed this.
    Shopaholic35 I didn't know what to make of this show when I watched the first couple of episodes. I loved the very first episode but each episode after has been on a slightly lower level. While there is still drama and mystery it feels like it is going in a different direction. I personally still really like the show but I have a feeling that you will either love it or hate it.To be honest the reason why I initially watched this show was because of Kurtwood Smith. I've missed seeing him in things since That 70's Show finished up but it is good to see him making great television again. In fact the whole cast is extremely talented and a big plus.If your interest was piqued when you first saw the promotional clip then my advice would be to give it a go. The first season is short enough for you to take the plunge.
    copello Imagine a small rural town, and a long ago deceased boy comes back to life. The accident should have been local headlines for a long while, long enough for older people to remember the case and the faces. Three possible reactions:It is a work of the devil, it is a miracle or it is a fake. Any of them should have the town in a state of shock that does not appear to happen in small Arcadia. And Word should have to reach local newspapers, radio, State TV and finally nationwide. Besides from several people both at Arcadia nd in Washington DC, everybody walks by Jacob barely taking a glance at him. Simply not believable. Besides that, good thriller, and (at last) one with very few gunshots.
    Rick Previdi (rprevidi-1) As everyone knows, this is a remake of the french TV series "Les Revenants". The original show starts a little slow and doesn't have near the budget that the US remake does but the two shows are simply night and day in terms of quality television. I won't go into details since I want this review to be spoiler free but if you haven't watched the original french show, do yourself a huge favor and watch it (it's on Netflix). The US version just has poor acting and poor writing to say the least. It appeals to the lowest common denominator which seems like the major network's M.O. in today's world. It makes sure to check off all of it's typical casting requirement boxes even though those casting choices are simply put... horrible. The entire story and the character development lose so much in the translation that the show is a vague shadowy reflection of the original. Like most network TV nowadays this show has no soul, no intellect and lacks any real emotional connection.