Science Fiction Theatre
Science Fiction Theatre
NR | 09 April 1955 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    GUENOT PHILIPPE OK I prefer OUTER LIMITS as a sci-fi genre TV show. This one I am talking about today is a genuinely interesting one too. I would say it's a sort of domestic science fiction kind show. A way to describe the improvements made by the scientists for the human kind. And all the negative effects that they can also bring. The characters are shown as ordinary citizens, so that the audiences may feel very close to them. Most of the leads work in their homes in the suburbs, most of the épisodes look like the other ones. No aliens here, or space opera here. But it's not boring at all. I just prefer OUTER LIMITS, that's all. The music theme is riveting.I really don't regret to have found it.
    bobodude This series has to be one of the best science fiction program ever to air on TV. My dad always watched this program when I was a kid and I got caught up in the stories just as my dad. We would sit down after dinner, all huddled around the old black and white TV waiting for that familiar theme song. It was at least one thing the whole family participated in. After 50 yrs of total obscurity, it has resurfaced on DVD and I bought all 76 episodes off Ebay. The science behind the stories,for the most part, still hold up to this day. Some of the stories were pretty far fetched and hard to believe. Even though most of the predictions of things to come have not materialized, it's a kick to see how they thought about the future and what it would bring. His demonstrations were very well done and I felt like we were in a physics class. It is a delight to revisit those days even though the copies vary wildly in quality, they are still very watchable. I wish they would have made all the episodes in color but that didn't happen in the second season due to budget restraints.
    Rotwanger I was only about 4 years old but I recall almost as if it were yesterday something I saw on the show. I remember Adolphe Menjou being associated with the show in some way as host or actor. In this memorable episode, a man was demonstrating a piece of metal foil produced by extraterrestrial technology. This "foil" could not be cut with scissors but even more amazingly, it could not be penetrated when a bullet was fired at it from point blank range. A third feature was that when it was balled up and tossed upon a table it would flatten itself out perfectly. ALL of these features were described by the rancher who took home pieces of the Roswell UFO crash site. In my thirties I read these details and remembered that I had seen this before on TV in the 1950's. To my mind, it seems that "someone" was releasing information about ET technology many many years before nearly any facts at all were released to the public. This TV episode took my thinking about UFO's far beyond the "mysterious lights of swamp gas". In addition to that, this alien foil would have served as a bit of physical evidence that skeptics would have to accept as irrefutable proof of the existence of UFO's. DOES ANYONE ELSE REMEMBER THIS EPISODE ????????? Please respond .......................
    Jimbeau4 Not much to add to all these glowing reports, other than to say that I agree with them. Like many other shows that I hadn't seen for forty five years, I had bits and pieces of memories from this one, all of them pleasant. Now that I'm watching them again, I'm really enjoying them. Because this series was targeted at adults, it hasn't lost any charisma, even though the quality of the prints is erratic and some of them are downright poor. The show holds up better than any other from the distant past. All a viewer has to do is be able to immerse themselves into the world of the fifties. Science was just starting to take off and we were all filled with wonderment. At the time this show was filmed, man hadn't yet launched a satellite, transistors were so new that there were no radios available yet, polio had just been cured, the cold war and fear of the bomb was front & center, etc. In the stories presented, the betterment of mankind is the theme. They are haunting, but good wins over evil. I'm grateful that they were saved for viewing. Truman Bradley is the perfect host and the music rings in my ears.
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