Mercy Street
Mercy Street
| 17 January 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Ian Rupert Binge watched both seasons over a few days and just like another show I just binged on (The Returned), this one was a good show that ended too early. I love MEW and she did a great job in this, as did everyone IMO. I liked seeing some of the characters as they worked through their ingrained prejudice and finally saw people as PEOPLE and not a color. Then there were others, even when slapped in the face with examples of intelligence and humanity from those they thought of as less, still refused to change their bigoted way of thinking. We have made great progress since then, don't listen to those who try to divide us by saying otherwise. Sad to see this go, but with viewership at less than half for the 2nd season, there's no way they could justify the cost and manage the scheduling of the actors/actresses. I think the second season was just as strong as the first, so I don't see why over half the viewers abandoned the show after season 1. I was hooked from the start. The medical side of the show was very interesting, seeing what they had to work with back then in a sea of horrible injuries. I loved the crazy drama and conflict that went on within the hospital. The romance was entertaining, but it is a major let-down that it ended where it did. Even if the show were to continue into a 3rd season, I don't think S2 gave proper attention at the end for one of our main love stories. The subject matter in this show is one that is ever-important and I hope more people discover it as time goes on. It may have been a short run, but it was well worth the watch.
    sesack4th every word spoken makes me cringe. the acting is at the high school level. the characters are caricatures. patients not fed? seriously? The head of the kitchens a subhuman worm. some of the doctors barely trained as evidenced by being unable to perform procedures that were in common practice in the middle ages. this a masterpiece classic? they say the patients are to be bathed. with blood red dirty water? has any attempt been made to research the era? this was the age of the dawn of modern medicine. they used chloroform. they used traction devices. but didn't feed their patients? have you seen Ripper Street? this could have been a masterpiece instead of a farce.
    lamolitercs I watched the first episode as I'm always interested in a new costume drama, but I found this show to be really crippled by stock, predictable characters, so many of them just plain mean with no sense of reality about it. I decided to hold out through another episode, and while, again, the production values are good and there are some actors and actresses that I generally like, the script and the character development (or lack thereof) has made this unwatchable for me.The worst thing is that I keep reading such good reviews. What are people watching? If I wanted some Lifetime movie from two decades ago, this might be fine, but to tout this as the next Downton Abbey (where characters have nuances), is absurd!
    sentinel64-1 I love PBS and the quality period pieces they air. I have loved so many of the wonderful performances they have shown. I had high hopes for this series with the departure of 'Downton Abbey.' This had good elements to start..the sets, the costumes-very good. Unfortunately, the overacting melodramatic style of the 'Twilight' series sabotaged this show. There is no buy in, there is no aligning with or likability of the main characters. The main characters are whiny and sulky. The valiant doctors and nurses of the Civil War era must be turning in their graves at being depicted by such poor and shallow over-acting. I was hoping that our country could produce the kind of quality and intellectual performances of our British peers. Unfortunately, that has not happened here. It shouldn't have been, but is dull and lackluster. The sets, costumes and props are impressive, unfortunately the actors keep standing in front of them, blocking the view.