Fan-Fan the Tulip
Fan-Fan the Tulip
| 20 June 2003 (USA)
Fan-Fan the Tulip Trailers

In this 2003 remake of the classic 1952 French film, Fanfan la Tulipe is a swashbuckling lover who is tricked into joining the army of King Louis XV by Adeline La Franchise, who tells Fanfan that by doing so, he will eventually marry one of the king's daughters

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
M MALIK thats right i am one of Penelope Cruz fan & most of the films I've seen of her only few of then are watchable in her entire career.fanfan la tulipe is another example that if your a big star you need to see what script you choose because that can ruin your career but Penelope Cruz case is different because she is sexy & vulgar every time & you know sex sells so her career is going.the storyline was something else but everything just changed here the guy joins the army of a king & then rest of the plot goes into trash can.this film just waste time there is no entertainment or even sex scenes that could hold you to see this film because of Penelope but rating is 1/10 fanfan la tulipe is another crap film by miss Penelope Cruz.
karmabuona If you don't go in expecting too much, this film is a pleasant way to pass some time. It is certainly no great work of art. Didn't see the original so can't comment on that score. Furthermore, don't really speak French (although enough to understand that Italian subtitled version missed large chunks of dialect), so Cruz's reportedly bad accent was lost on me. It is undoubtedly clichéd, lacking in any original ideas or concepts, and has gaping plot holes.However, that said, it has no pretensions of being anything more sophisticated than what it sets out to be. My advice would be to enjoy it for what it's meant to be: fun, swashbuckling, mildly amusing entertainment with two luscious-looking stars. In fact, just watching Perez and Cruz alone make the whole thing worthwhile.
BernMaya I lived in France, speak French fluently and have a great appreciation for French humour. This movie sucked big time and was a great disappointment for me. My sister and I watched 45 minutes of it and walked out because we were both extremely bored. We managed to stay that long because we kept waiting for each other to say something first. The script is very poorly written and Fanfan is really annoying. I could not take another minute of Le Marquis screaming "Oh la nuque!". This is the first time I have ever walked out of the theater in the middle of a movie. This is how bad this movie was. Cruz must have been going through financial trouble for accepting the role. If you though that Le fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain deserved an A+ (which I did), this one deserved an F-.
CecileRay Surely professionals will say bad things about this film. Do not listen to them. This a GOOD movie. The one you like to see with all your family, you talk about for hours with your children. The one who is worth to see on wide screen, and will be rediscovered while seeing on DVD. The one which reborns your childhood. Of course everybody will compare it to the 50's one, with Gina and Gerard. But this one is good by itself ! Vincent Perez is amazing, everything he can do without special effects help is great. Penelope Cruz is full of emotion. Other actors are interesting, when you know what they usually do in french movies. Rated it 8.