| 24 August 2015 (USA)
Robert Trailers

In this chilling story based on real life events a family experience terrifying supernatural occurrences when their son acquires a vintage doll called Robert.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Walter Sloane Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
karlycarman I don't normally write film reviews but feel like I owe it to potential watchers of this movie to write one. First of all, the people that gave this movie 7/8 put of 10.. have you ever actually seen a decent horror movie?!The acting if you can call it that was beyond terrible. Literally painful and cringey to watch. Felt like they were all auditioning for a commercial or something. This could have been so much better had they used decent actors and a slightly bigger budget. Also did anyone notice that the movie was filmed inside a hotel?! Nothing about the movie felt genuine and I didn't expect much from the movie but didn't realize it would be this bad!Please save yourselves the time and watch a proper horror movie instead. 'The Boy' for example is a great doll horror with a great twist.
darksyde-63508 Like "Annabelle" Robert is based on a supposed true story that you can look up on Google. The two stories are almost identical. And both dolls are locked up in glass boxes in museums, both of them with "Do not open under any circumstances" signs on their glass cases This movie desperately wants to be along the lines of "Annabelle",or even "Child's Play". The fact of the matter is, the movie just isn't very good. Its a bargain bin budget, and it shows. Unlike most low budget horror flicks, this is very talky, and it has a very low body count. I think there's only three at the most. If you wanna watch a good "killer doll" horror movie, stick with the staples like "Child's Play", "Dolls," "Dolly Dearest", or even The "Puppet Master" or "Demonic Toys" series. Skip this one unless you have nothing better to watch.
curiouscarnivore the movie was a fail from start to finish..low budget poor and short music score for background effect to create an atmosphere of ominous and foreboding scenes of laughable and comical to how such poor effects and props used to make us fell the doll was plodding with bunny slippers ..ive watched sting ray and and captain scarlet move more smoothly in giving animated steps..this was supposed to be a horror movie and for me it was cracking me up in laughter constantly throughout..poor Robert the Doll stunt double creation..and i found it comical he had one terrible cataract in one eye.. i felt sorry for the doll, and laughed when he was on the move ..particular scene where hiding in the bushes having gotten out the shed then flying across the garden.past the bushes .. Maybe if this story was taken on by a respected and accomplished director in Hollywood it could be a rather thrilling and terrifying events for viewers ..I assume that the doll if now in Florida museum never got to be looked at by the famous couple who are known well to have rid houses of evil forces of demonic and malevolent spirits of violence..and the objects which they came from and trapped back into ..are kept in a secure room all in sealed glass cases... so as not be kept from ever bevomeing another fmailies horror story..i tried to connect the film ..but it never once produced a way to have a hold on my attention ..never mind..
Michael O'Keefe Andrew Jones writes and directs this creepy tale of the supernatural. The story is claimed to be true. Paul(Lee Bane)and Jenny(Suzie Garton)are having enough problems dealing with Jenny's illness. Paul has clients to deal with in town, while Jenny uses her time painting in her home studio. Young son Gene(Flynn Allen)spends a lot his time in his room and there is the housekeeper Agatha(Judith Haley)that takes care of the home and sees after the boy. Jenny grows tired of the forgetful cleaning woman and demands she leave. Before Agatha departs, she leaves Gene with a vintage doll named Robert. An ugly sight to look upon, but the boy likes Robert the doll. The old woman tells Jenny that she would be sorry. Soon, terror begins about the household and young Gene will tell of his talking to Robert. And when Robert doesn't like you, he does something about it.Not totally uninteresting, but with better actors this film could have been something to talk about. Filmed in Wales, I would have expected maybe some fog, rain or howling winds that could have aided in a scarier atmosphere. Robert the doll is creepy enough to look at, but the music is outstandingly spooky. Kudos to the trailers for making me watch this.