NR | 05 September 2005 (USA)
Supernova Trailers

A international science conference is held in Australia when Dr. Austin Shepard mysteriously disappears. Dr. Shepard's colleague, Christopher Richardson and other people are soon faced with the reality of an impending crisis and an attempt to keep the information from the public. While a full-blown supernova does not occur, explosions on the sun cause massive damage in Australia, and is shown often in Sydney and in various other cities and countries of the world.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
milescoburn I'm not sure exactly what I just watched.Okay, based on someone else's (the main protagonist) data , a scientist has figured out the sun is going to go supernova within a couple months. Never mind our sun is projected to die out as a red giant instead of exploding, but let's just go with it.So, we've got government agents wandering around, trying to scoop up those people who will have been determined to possess the "necessary" skill sets if there are any survivors left (a la' a Noah's Ark kind of thing) who can rebuild the civilization. How an FBI agent qualifies, I don't know. And of course, there are people who don't want to be herded into underground sanctuaries. Add to it, the main protagonist's wife and daughter are being hunted by an escaped rapist. I suppose to use the sup-plot of the wife being virtually helpless due to her father's abuse of her and her mother in her childhood. All feed into her throwing away her psychoses, become strong, and an excellent marksman (you figure out what happens next).So, after awhile the hero figures out his data on the age of the sun was incorrect, due to using a plus sign instead of a minus sign in one of the equations, so it's not going to explode anytime soon. And somehow, miraculously, all the plasma, meteors, etc. that the sun has been throwing at the Earth stops once he figures out his mathematical mistake. Not a single eruption. It's a miracle, I tell you.Add in some laughable CGI (particularly when St Louis gets destroyed - which still has the old, cookie-cutter Busch Stadium 2 instead of the new Busch Stadium 3), and the dizziness hasn't a chance of dissipating.Stay away. Stay far away.
TheLittleSongbird It is going to be very difficult adding to what's been said already as it has been summed up brilliantly already in previous reviews. The scenery is the only one hint of a redeeming quality, it's very pretty. The rest of Supernova is the complete opposite. The photography is too drab and simplistic and even badly done papier-mâché is better than the special effects here. The music is unmemorable and too much of a dirge, while the direction shows no heart or even an idea of how to direct anything and the dialogue sounds so awkward, mumbo-jumbo-like and unintentionally funny that it's enough to make anybody cringe. The story isn't believable in the slightest, the countless scientific and geographical errors(as long as both your arms and legs put together) suggests either poor research or none at all, the latter is most likely, consequently it is next to impossible to take the story seriously. That's not all that's wrong with the story, the length is far too overstretched, there are too many subplots that either didn't add anything or are underdeveloped(the serial killer subplot felt very thrown in) and the pacing is very sluggish and somewhat padded. The characters are not engaging at all and have a lack of personality or development, so we as a viewer can't get emotionally invested in them. The acting is terrible, Tia Carrere is the best in the cast but even she's flat. A paper bag has more charisma than Luke Perry shows in his acting, and although he is not helped by having nothing to do Peter Fonda just sleepwalks through his role. Lance Henrikksen is a dependable actor usually even in bad films but can't do anything with a character so stock and unnecessary. Even worse is how not one of the cast made an attempt to sound remotely Australian, there were some accents going on but it came across as a weird mix. In conclusion, a super-bad disaster all round. 1/10 Bethany Cox
subscriber-8 This is possibly the worst movie made in the last decade. Some movies I realise are deliberately bad in order to attract a following as a cult movie or similar, but this one gives the impression it was intended as a serious movie. It is awful. I endured over 2 1/2 hours of this just to see if it could get any worse. In the end I was unable to bring myself to watch any more. Everything about it is awful. And if you are an Australian it is doubly bad because it they blamed it on us! It is so full of geographic, not to mention scientific, biological, theological, geological, ecological any everything else-logical errors I was left dumbfounded - and it goes on and on seemingly forever, having you look forward to the ad breaks. How anyone can escape from a prison in Pretoria (South Africa) and get to Sydney (Australia) in just a few hours by car beggars belief. It is total rubbish from start to finish. And even the special effects look like they were done using a freeware software package!Watch 30 minutes or so just to see how bad it is, but for the sake of your sanity, please do not watch the whole movie...
craigman Wow, I feel cheated out of the time I wasted watching this utter garbage. It came on channel 35 (ION) in the middle of a Sunday. That's when I usually get suckered into watching something crappy, I guess, since I was feeling particularly lazy and absolutely nothing good was on the TV. While most of the other reviewers rightly pointed out out how awful this was, I don't think it will become a "cult favorite", like some said. There really is nothing redeeming about this.Why does Luke Perry still get ANY acting jobs? All he does in this is kind of mumble and stumble around. He has the charisma of a turnip, and doesn't even know how to act angry when some killer is trying to kill his annoyingly cute wife and child! I was rooting for the bad guy to kill him. The killer inexplicably only knocks him out! Then his wife has to save him! And poor Tia Carerre. I always thought she was hot looking, but she always seems so cold and sexless on-screen. It's as if she is under orders to never flirt or act sexy, or ever kiss anyone! She is always single and childless as well.The scenes with Peter Fonda and the lone blond woman on the beach were excruciating to watch as well. They are killed in a really stupid manner by a heat-seeking sun-chunk (don't ask). After suffering through about 3 hours to the end, I was hoping the sun would indeed put everyone out of their misery! No such luck, though. Like so many other stupid "disaster" movies and TV shows, there is always a stupid happy ending! The creators never have the stones to actually follow through on their "end of the world" scenario!