| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Chinango Trailers

After finding his grandfather's Shaolin medallion, Braulio gets mixed up with Mexican gangsters whom end his peace, he'll handle this mess the old fashioned way - Yet his greatest rival is also the hottest Kung Fu babe in all of China.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Destroyer Wod I do love a great martial arts movie even tough the story isn't the best in the world. Normally as long as the fight are good, i can live with a "not so good" story. This movie got Marko Zaror, believe me, the guy can fight. He oppose Scott Adkins in Undisputed 3 as Dolor, the bad guy. And that was the first time i saw him in action but my reflex was "he truly match Adkins as a fighter" So seeing this movie in a bucket of low price DVD i tough "i don't care about the plot, Marko's in it, so fights are gonna be amazing". But man i was wrong. First there isn't that much fight, then for what it got sure we got Marko doing some nice flip and all, but the choreography is badly done, the sound of the punches remind us of an old 70s Martial Arts movie, which is unacceptable for a 2000s production. If it was all that.... The story is boring, and the production.... grainy images... cmon... For a movie that advertise as "No Wire, No stunt double, like Ong Bak, its more like the wires already got over the budget... No disrespect to mister Zaror, i know the guy is an awesome fighter, but this movie prove you can have a great lead actor(in his domain) but still have a crappy movie. I saw countless of 90s martial arts movies with the most basic story as it can get: Good guy either got his butt kicked or his friend got kill by the bad guy, he train to an old master, he get back and kick the bad guy's butt. Classic, but it work, here this story about the medallion was truly garbage and not fun at all to follow. And like i said, if the fights would have redeem the movie... but sadly that was not the case...
desmondkalho Found a copy of Chinango in an airplane. I wasn't really into the films the airline was showcasing so I popped Chinango into my laptop. What a surprise. This is old school gun-ho film making. Filmed entirely in Mexico City in what looks like 16mm, the style is 70's camp, yet the over the top action scenes and amazing soundtrack keep the story and visuals rocking. Using obvious low budget tactics it is profoundly admirable the epic scope of the end result. Raw and realistic martial arts, extreme Mexican/Chinese curious art department, Susan Gonzalez is racy in a blue bikini, pop art cinematography and some of the most absurd comedy, a fantastic fiasco and a golly good show! I have since passed the film on to another stranger on a train.
pistons_33 This movie was unbelievably bad. The only thing good about this movie was the pathetic... everything which gave me some good laughs. There were also some unexplained scenes like the bad dude masturbation off while stretching and the random scenes of the Asian lady taking water.Oh and also apparently being shot 3 times by a pistol doesn't phase the hero, but when the acting, camera everything, sound quality, picture quality, unexplainable plot, fight scenes are @#$!$!!! you can't really expect anything less. So if you want to get a comedy but don't know what to get look no further than Chinango. Wedding Crashers has nothing on this movie as far as laughter goes.
aali_361 I actually enjoyed this movie. I won't lie... but I didn't enjoy it for the same reasons the directors wanted me to enjoy it. This movie is apparently an action thriller with amazing choreography, special effects and plot. None of this is true. The fighting is pathetic. There are random sound effects that make no sense. For instance, when there's a brawl in the nightclub, you can hear laser guns from star trek randomly while punches are being thrown. The special effects are a joke as well... I could do the same stuff using Powerpoint and the plot makes no sense.So why did I enjoy this movie? Well it's so pathetic and bad that it is hilarious. I laughed for hours at random scenes and it made my day... not to sound too harsh, but the movie is horrible. I still suggest you watch it if you want a good laugh. =)