Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas
R | 26 October 2012 (USA)
Cloud Atlas Trailers

A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic future. Cloud Atlas explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave through the story as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and a single act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the distant future. Based on the award winning novel by David Mitchell. Directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
bvahid This film has to be seen over and over, a unique creation, an endless gift from Wachowskis, maybe just to be praised, thanks for this unique masterpiece.
Evan Wessman (CinematicInceptions) This is a movie that I hope gets re-made someday. It's a really cool premise, and it wasn't exactly executed badly here, but I definitely felt like there was something lacking in it. I turned Mr. Nobody off in the first 20 minutes because I got the sense that it, like Cloud Atlas was going to get a little too caught up in the novelty of its premise and not actually do something interesting with it. This movie is trying to make a pretty interesting, deep, existential point about life. The premise I think is a bit more appealing as a movie premise to Western cultures because we, for the most part, do not believe in reincarnation. It seemed like the whole point of the movie was that our actions can have an impact on people that live long after us, which I definitely believe in and I don't think a lot of people could argue against it that strongly. However, I didn't see that any of the storylines actually connected in a meaningful way. It just seemed like all the characters got re-incarnated as someone else in each situation and you had to just play a "match the face" game with each story line. Also, they all seemed to be reincarnated as the same type of character each time. Now, I don't know much about what some Eastern religions believe about reincarnation, but the way I understand it, your starting point in one life is based on what you did in your previous life and you're supposed to try to do better each time around. I'd like to think that we change enough over one lifetime that we'd be unrecognizable from one life to the next; in other words, I'm saying the casting choices of this movie are not true to life even if they are cinematic and interesting.I think there was also not really enough attention given to each storyline and they were a little too complicated to keep track of all of them. Say you have 30 minutes for each different story, you can't expect the audience to know where each one is at. That works for TV shows sometimes, but even then it's can get confusing. I didn't really care enough about each story to be invested in any of them, which I think indicates that they bit off a little more than they could chew. Also, the two futuristic stories felt kind of ridiculous, especially the language of the people in the future Hawaii. That was nothing short of annoying. It also seemed that those two were the only ones that were connected in any kind of meaningful way, which is another weak point for the story. So I'm just going to suggest two ideas for how this could be re-made or at least tweaked in concept. One is a version where it follows one person over several different lifetimes, even though something tells me that's been done before. The other is a version that connects a few people from different times that are more directly connected, sort of like Interstellar or X-Men Days of Future Past. I think it would be possible and really cool to show two connected stories in parallel where the actions of the past person were directly influencing the events of the future person's life. The only person I would trust to turn this exact concept into a story that would fulfill its potential is Christopher Nolan because he has mastered using non-linear storytelling and has proven that he can blend concepts of time and human emotion/connection really well.I would recommend this lightly. It's not bad, but its not as good as its premise sounds. I wouldn't try to keep track of everything because it won't really make it a better experience for you or anything like that. Basically, it's a cool enough premise that is well-paced enough to keep your attention and make you think a little, but it's not nearly as good as it could be. Overall Rating: 7.4/10.
Bob Holt This movie was probably the very first thing I've added to my watchlist. I'm not sure why I haven't watched it until now. I've seen the trailer thousands of times and watched behind the scenes videos and so on.. but I've always been scared of actually watching it. Well, for anyone still not sure- WATCH THIS MOVIE. It's an amazing, unique, masterpiece. It is definitely in my top 10, or even top 5. It's long and follows many storylines but never feels choppy. The acting is excellent. The best part is the way the storylines all work and connect together. I love this movie. And I love the ideas it represents. It will require multiple rewatches. There are, of course, some flaws- it's not the best. But really, the only flaw of the movie is that it should have been longer. It's only an eight for now because it feels a little short. Please, watch this movie- you won't regret it.
kilgoreboys There will be people who will say this one of the best movies they ever watched. There would also be people who say this is one of the worst movies they will ever see. The hard part about reviewing this movie is that I don't think this can have a normal, fair review. This is a very long movie. It has a run-time of just under 3 hours, but it feels like it's 4 hours. I think this directly correlates with the problems in tone. The movie tells multiple stories, ones that span across centuries. The movie just has a hard time, keeping a solid tone. From one second you will go from a gunfight or an ax battle, then to a a character ascending to some kind of spiritual order. Honestly though the biggest problem in the messages the movie wants to give are of many, but the main point simply does not carry too much weight. There will also be times when you wonder if there are any reasons why certain scenes will be taking place, and if they have a a deeper meaning, few times with no answer. Cloud Atlas might be a masterpiece, but so far I have nothing. I am going to give Cloud Atlas a 6.