Mortal Kombat: Rebirth
Mortal Kombat: Rebirth
NR | 08 June 2010 (USA)
Mortal Kombat: Rebirth Trailers

MORTAL KOMBAT: REBIRTH is a short film released by Kevin Tancharoen (Director) in 2010. It was originally made as a proof of concept for Tancharoen's pitch to Warner Brothers for a reboot movie franchise. This 8-minute short features an intricate fight scene choreographed by Larnell Stovall. It also reintroduces classic Mortal Kombat characters, including: Jax (Michael Jai White), Sonya Blade (Jeri Ryan), Johnny Cage (Matt Mullins), Scorpion (Ian Anthony Dale), Baraka (Lateef Crowder) and Shang Tsung (James Lew).

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Mafalda de Bettencourt Gomes I wasn't sure what to expect when I first saw this but I have to say that eight minutes later when I was done, I was really impressed. This small piece gathers everything that should be expected from a game adaptation, even if we're speaking about a more somewhat alternative universe. The effects are quite good and the plot is really interesting. It's to bad we don't actually have a bigger movie after this that would follow the plot on this short one.
sumeet-roop I remember the original Mortal Kombat video game. Back in the early 90's it was immensely violent and supernatural. It was the first video game where the characters had true to life faces (so when a head was being ripped off it felt real and intensified the violence). These two themes (violence and the supernatural) have been a constant in every video game, movie or TV series with the MK title over the last >20 years.< In fact these two themes are what a lot of people identify MK with. Without them Mortal Kombat loses its identity (Van Dam in Street fighter anyone --i know, i know this one doesn't suck b***s).Actually Ed Boon and John Tobias the creators of Mortal Kombat weren't involved in these shorts. But if Kevin Tancharoen is successful in his bid to be the next director of MK they will be apparently, so I hope they ad in all the traditional elements. Good short, Im hoping next they can re-do xmen and instead of bone claws wolverine can have knives stitched to his hands and a bipolar disorder to make it more 'true to life' and 'real' ;)
md_syed_83 Batman Begins and The Dark Knight gave me chills with originality. You live the characters and feed off of the story. This trailer gives you that adrenaline rush and then some, cause WE ARE MORTAL KOMBAT FANS! A new meaning to the gaming series could help developers come up with a third person style RPG that Mortal Kombat Mythologies with Sub-Zero couldn't even come close to. A whole new era of Mortal Kombat series in gaming. How about Mortal Kombat Rebirth 2, where Liu Kang develops the art of Fire through Qigong? (Qigong masters can generate exponential amounts of heat from their hands and communicate to their ancestors on a "we speak to our elders" scale through meditation.) Gods and elders in the Buddhist religion are not fantasy! Do your research and see the new horizon for Mortal Kombat! MAKE IT HAPPEN Hollywood!!! I'm game!
Mash-the-stampede A some-what original spin on the "Mortal Kombat" mythos. This "teaser" is more grounded in reality than the video game and previous films. Which is good in some ways but also not so good in others. For example (spoiler alert); the characters of 'Reptile' and 'Baraka' are no longer strange mutants from 'Outworld' but psychotic humans who engineer their own deformities i.e. piercing the face and attaching blades to the arms....which is cool and different, yes - but it's not as cool as the whole "outworld" mythology of a whole other race of humanoid/mutant types. Shang Tsung is no longer an evil sorcerer but an evil mob boss???! The whole "grounded in reality" pitch is interesting at best but it just does not work for Mortal Kombat which is supposed to be as far away from reality as possible! Punching people across a room whilst they spew litres upon litres of blood only to get up and retaliate by punching the opponent's head clean-off is common Mortal Kombat fodder, as is shooting ice/lightning/crazy spears from your hands, shooting lasers from your eyes, knocking people from one arena to another, turning opponent's into babies and performing gory and over-the-top finishing moves known as Fatalities! Realism out the window and all the better for it!!! Call me a purist or whatever you want but that's what made Mortal kombat so great and original in the first place.That's not to say that this 'teaser' trailer/short film isn't any good. It's shot surprisingly well and has a pretty good cast including Michael Jai White as 'Jax'!!! Obviously a bit of money was spent and it is very polished in it's appearance. The action sequences are good but not amazing and it's definitely nothing we've never seen before! It works fine as a stand alone feature but I personally hope the next Mortal Kombat film isn't like this one. Cast Michael Jai White by all means but add some fantasy back into it. All up it is still worth a watch especially if you're a fan of Mortal Kombat and let's face could have been could have been "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation"!!!