Far Cry
Far Cry
R | 17 December 2008 (USA)
Far Cry Trailers

Jack Carver, a former member of the Special Forces takes the journalist Valerie Cardinal to an Island to visit her uncle Max who is working in a Military complex on the Island. As they arrive Valerie gets captured by the minions of Doctor Krüger. After the destruction of his boat Jack finds out about the true purpose of the Facilities on the Island, which is the creation of genetic soldiers.

PodBill Just what I expected
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Pasha Bad directing, bad acting, bad lines, bad everything!The plot and story line are hideous; acting is worst than in Catholic school play; some silly lines are beyond unfunny.The special effects are somewhat good...well for a 1980's movie. Shooting is as bad as it gets, high-caliber machine gun's short-distance shooting precision is beyond terrible; however, handgun's log-distance shots are so precise that I even jealous of the guy's skill :) Of course, there is a love scene, that looks like a preamble to a low- quality, low-budget German porn. I understand of course, that anyone escaping death (who has been shot at, escaped from an exploding boat, dropped from the helicopter inside a car) wants to have sex with the person they just met. This is not a spoiler, just a hint of the hideousness that you will experience while watching this movie.Overall - don't even bother watching it (I watched it on Showtime).
Walter_Skinner Unlike early Uwe Boll movies such as Bloodrayne, Alone in the Dark, and House of the Dead, Far Cry isn't actually a horrible movie. It's just a below average one. The movie has a slow pace, the romance is completely cliché, and it horribly abuses logic but when you look back from watching this movie you realize that as a whole it wasn't a total waste of your time. It's one of those movies that you watch on TV because nothing else is on and you have nothing better to do. If you find yourself engaged in this movie and are applying even slight common sense though then you could probably point out about ten plot holes or character inconsistencies within the first five minutes. I was actually surprised by this movie because I figured that it was going to be far worse then it was. But if Boll continues on this path he might one day actually make a good movie.
ctomvelu1 Yet another video game adaptation by Mr. Boll, FAR CRY has a retired Special Forces guy (Schweiger) ferrying a female reporter (Vaugier) to a remote island where her uncle is being held by mysterious forces. Turns out the island is a government institution where a mad doctor (Kier) is transforming soldiers into super soldiers. Vaugfier gets captured early on, so it's up to Schweiger to rescue her and the uncle and take on about 500 soldiers -- plus the mad doctor. Schweiger, the current generations's answer to Tom Jane and Christopher Lambert, is an affable, German-born actor probably best known for INGLORIOUS BASTERDS. Vaugier is her usual sexy self, but is little used in the film. Standard mindless fight scenes and explosions clearly inspired by UNIVERSAL SOLDIER. For true cineastes, it will become clear two minutes in that this was shot on the cheap in Canada.
Wesley Himot There are several conditions which one must abide by in order to enjoy this movie. ONE, forget the game (even though it is good);TWO,watch this movie empty headed/don't take it seriously; THREE, ignore the bad acting. If you can do these things, then you might actually like it. There were several points in the movie where I was laughing so hard, I was crying. The humor was subtle at times and others it was blatant, but it was still funny.Now, with that being said, it wasn't a quality movie by any means. The action scenes were nice, but not awesome; the acting was sub par, especially the lady in the beginning, "But George, I want to see the whales!" This was a part where I was cracking up. Also, the chemistry between Valerie and Jack was, well, interesting. They just sort of, ummm, came together as if they knew each other for a long time. In fact, the character development was the weakest point of the movie, but hey, like I said, condition number two.The ending was good enough, but in the end I felt like nothing was accomplished. It sounds like I hated the movie, but the humor and Shweiger's relaxed feel, even in dire situations, just made this enjoyable. Plus the ending action sequence was cool. Don't watch this if you want a serious, hard core action movie. Watch this if you want to watch a relaxed, not-so-serious movie.Uwe Boll's best video game movie, and the only one worth seeing (renting).