PG | 28 February 2016 (USA)
Vanished Trailers

When millions of people begin to disappear, Gabby, his sister, and their other companies will have to stick together for survival and to figure out what happened behind of an indescribable occurrence.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
huh_oh_i_c Yes, this one is as bad as they get. While the acting is mediocre, the production value is amateurish by even rural community center standards, it's the plot and script that is the real atrocity.The plot is simple: all of a sudden millions of people around the world go poof and vanish into thin air. Why this leads to societal breakdown so bad that all the infrastructure doesn't work anymore is a true mystery, this happens only in America. Even if half the employees of all power companies go poof, it still wouldn't mean that there's no electricity. Incidentally, it also shows why it's so bad to have more guns than people in your country: everyone will start shooting first, ask questions never.This flic is also racist: of all the reverends/priests, it's the black one (Obama look-a-like too!) that doesn't go to heaven?? I mean, Jesus Christ!And then, at the end: It's all a United Nations plot, people!!! The anti-Christ is the secretary general of the UN! New World Order and all that! New World Order is the ridiculous scare mongering boogey man that KKonservatives and/or the ReichWing have been using as an excuse to not pay for helping truly poor countries via UNESCO. Just to make it extra nauseating.0/10 The Melancholic Alcoholic.
SnoopyDogDog I mean, come on! This is just really very bad: 1. The twist at the end depends on some wild-eyed ReichWing conspiracy theory that the UN is "out to get us white christians....for our money" I mean, that's far fetched, even for reichwingers these days. conservatives are anti-UN because they racist think it's ONLY about white Westerners giving money to dark skinned Africans. The UN is an organisation which has been VERY good to the USA, and it has a veto.What's funny is that the movie want to make itself look sane by making the circle-the-wagons guy look bad, by attacking a believe that many reichwingers have: the government is out to get you, so you better arm yourself to the teeth.
ahorgan100 Not with high hopes I watched this movie expecting some typical sy-fy channel level 90 minutes of mediocrity to pass the time. What I didn't expect was some a bible thumping story line that was so clearly funded by some right wing propagandists that would become a an hour and a half Christianity PSA. Now this isn't to take away from the amateur acting or the college level production values. This film is just all around terrible. So much so that after nearly 500 reviews on IMDb, I confirmed my email just to write a review for this film alone. I can enjoy a campy film for it's authenticity to be cheesy, but this one dressed up like a scifi thriller only to be a rapture story with a meaningless cliff hanger, no real resolution or climax I had no choice but to give it one star.
dolans-1 This is a very nice reboot of the Left Behind story. The young actors and actresses do a wonderful job that will appeal especially to teenagers and young adults, but is equally enjoyable for audiences of all ages. This is only the beginning of the Left Behind story, and will need several sequels to finish the entire story line. The story develops into a intriguing love triangle reminiscent of the Twilight series that will appeal to young adults, and in similar fashion, is left unresolved by the end of the movie. Tom Everett Scott does a spectacular job portraying the crazy evil person and leaves you with a creepy scary feeling every time he appears. His scenes add a horror thriller thread to the plot, unusual and unique for a Christian themed movie, and will appeal to horror movie fans. It was surprising and interesting to see Tim LaHaye's grandson Randy LaHaye playing the role of the anti-Christ. The film is dedicated to Tim LaHaye and his epic legacy. An very enjoyable movie even for non-Christians.