| 30 March 2018 (USA)
Journeyman Trailers

A boxer suffers a serious head injury during a fight, and must deal with the consequences.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
houseofwoodcock Journeyman needs an international release. It is straightforward in its narrative, but truly scary at times and emotionally devastating throughout. Paddy Considine's second film as writer and director is equally as good as his first (Tyrannosaur) but it has received little to no recognition. I hope that this film gets a wider release because the performances by Paddy Considine and Jodie Whittaker were nothing short of astonishing. Considine delivers one of the best performances that I have *ever* seen- he fully embodies the character of Matty to devastating effect- and Whittaker (although her role is very different and much smaller) matches him every step of the way in a courageous and open-hearted performance. The two actors just knock it out of the park in every scene. The supporting cast is also uniformly strong.With any other actor/writer/director at the helm, Journeyman would feel like a vanity project, but Considine makes sure that it doesn't. Instead, he delivers a film full of genuine human emotion and powerhouse performances. Watch this now.
George Davies It started about 20 minutes into the film. It then reoccurred every 10 minutes or so for the remainder of the duration. I've not cried like that at a film for I don't know how long. Like an emotional dementor Paddy Considine's second picture as a director takes so much, and give it back in equal measure.I could say it was a like a punch to the face. A knockout of a film. It took me the full 12 rounds. It had me up against the ropes and... I could say these things. But they'd be naff -especially when describing this bruiser of a film.It follows Matty Burton, an ageing boxer who knows his times spent and is ready to take his last steps into the ring before hanging up the gloves. But fate has another idea. Sounds familiar right? That's what I thought. Benefitting from having not seen the trailer, which I'd strongly advise avoiding if possible, I was of course shocked at the tale that followed. Matty revives an injury which alters the course of his life. The film is really about how it affects not just him but those around him, namely his two friends and most of all his devoted wife, portrayed by Doctor Who's Jodie Whitaker, in a career best role. It's a boxing film but more than that it's a film about those we love and who care for us. It's about identity in some ways, fight in others, but love in every way. Set mainly in the family home of Matty, his wife and their baby daughter Mia, the film is, for the most part, a domestic tale about a man recovering from a traumatic injury and a family recovering from the fallout of it. When I say domestic I mean in the sense that the action is all contained within the confines of the house; not the ring. As a director Considine creates tension from the most ordinary of sights and sounds, a crying baby, the call of a name. He also crafts more than a couple of shocking moments, also within the house. These really shock. They're sudden, viscous and yet they create no feelings of anger, only anguish and desperation for our two leads. Considine proved himself as a more than competent director with Tyrannosaur, and also a capable writer with Shane Meadows' Dead Mans Shoes. Here he goes beyond that. The original score is used when necessary and removed entirely at just the right moments, a certain phone call scene is one of the films standouts. It never tips into the melodramatic or pandering which I was very worried it would. However above all this directorial talent which produces and almost insist on such incredible emotional response, it's the acting of Considine and Whitaker which truly blew me away. Considine is utterly convincing, scarily so at times. Whitaker more than matches him too in what is a very different but no less enthralling portrayal. Being a small British film (small only in the sense of it not getting a wide release) I don't expect any awards to come raining down. But I also don't think I'll see another pair on screen this year who put as dynamic and heartfelt a performance as these two. Absolutely stellar.Yes it is a knockout. It did hit me with an emotional guy punch. And yet it's so much more than the cliches thrown its way would have you believe. See it.
asdlkfjq Journeyman is a near perfect film, in my opinion. It's simple, but elegant, allowing the characters to breathe and develop. It's *beautifully* acted by Paddy Considine and Jodie Whittaker, who frankly should have had awards thrown at them for the scene that you probably came to the review page to read about, and it's directed to perfection by BAFTA-winning writer and director Paddy Considine, who allows every actor to give the best performance possible and who has a great eye for framing. Considine's career-defining performance is what will draw most people into watching Journeyman- he's nothing short of amazing- but it's Jodie Whittaker who steals the show. She's just heartbreaking, conveying the subtleties of Emma's situation masterfully. It's a remarkable, understated performance that looks effortless, and the fact that she only received an Evening Standard Award nomination for her performance in this film is just criminal. Doctor Who fans should consider themselves lucky to have her as the 13th Doctor. Laurie Rose is the director of photography for this film, and while most of it stays focused on the characters, Journeyman is quite beautifully shot. The editing by Pia Di Ciaula is sharp, and the score and sound design are pretty good too. Journeyman is a remarkable film: it's devastating, yet hopeful; it's beautifully acted, directed, and filmed; and it's a showcase for two of Britain's finest acting talents. Once again, Paddy Considine proves himself to be an actor, writer, and director to watch. 9.5 out of 10
ilovegod-45956 I don't have much to criticize when talking about Journeyman. Actually, aside from the fact that Jodie Whittaker wasn't in it enough, I don't have anything to criticize at all. Journeyman offers a new perspective on boxing movies- one that focuses on life outside of the ring and the importance of the sport- and on the loss of self, portrayed by Considine in what is one of the best performances I have ever seenI'm surprised that Paddy Considine wasn't nominated for anything more than a BIFA for Best Actor. His performance is meticulous, engrossing, and heart-wrenching, easily among the best performances that I have *ever* seen by an actor. The role of Matty is one that any other actor would overplay, but Considine's measured portrayal proves just how great of an actor he is without ever feeling vain. He fully embodies the character in every way imaginable, leading to one of the most captivating and honest performances I have ever seen.The supporting performances are also uniformly strong, but it's Paddy Considine's show and he's transcendent. I do wish that Jodie Whittaker had more to do- but she leaves a big impact in the little she has. And Considine's acting during that phone call scene...Overall, Journeyman is a very strong film because of it's powerful performances and good direction. It's heart-wrenching and well thought out, and it's a film that's worth a watch just to see how good Considine's performance is.