The Babysitter
The Babysitter
R | 13 October 2017 (USA)
The Babysitter Trailers

When Cole stays up past his bedtime, he discovers that his hot babysitter is part of a Satanic cult that will stop at nothing to keep him quiet.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
adonis98-743-186503 Cole loves his babysitter Bee. She's hot, funny, and popular. One night, in a moment of defiance, Cole secretly stays up past his bedtime to discover she's actually a cold-blooded killer who's in league with the Devil. He now must spend his night evading Bee's band of killers who will stop at nothing to prevent Cole from spilling their dark secret. McG's Terminator Salvation had more depth than The Babysitter plus the entire film was incredibly cheesy and just your typical film where teens go crazy and start killing people and nothing original at all. (0/10)
adam-may-bower 'The Babysitter' is a surprisingly funny and refreshing horror/comedy with a great cast and plenty of blood to satisfy horror fans, and others alike. I honestly didn't expect much out of this movie, as I assumed it would be a dumb slasher flick with stereotypical characters and poor gags. Much to my surprise, this movie was incredibly self-aware in its horror/comedy genre and all the gags were in good doses and generally made me laugh. While the ensemble of villains were very much your average stereotypes found in many American films (hot cheerleader, dumb athlete, weird Asian, funny black guy and sexy blonde) the filmmakers were consciously aware of it and essentially made it their own. The performances in this film were all hilarious and played well by the cast, with Bella Thorne, Robbie Amell, King Bach Hana Mae Lee all doing a superb job at playing their simple characters. But it was really Samara Weaving who was the standout of the film as she played the title role of The Babysitter. She was able to be funny, scary and sexy all at the right times and is definitely a promising actress for the near future. Judah Lewis is also great in the leading role of Cole, who is victim to the happenings of this film. The plot of this film is paced really well and wastes no time in getting to the point. While it may have been predictable at some points, it was overall an entertaining and refreshing addition to recent slasher flicks from the last few years. This movie may have its obvious flaws, but they are easily overlooked by the great cast and MCG's smart approach to the horror/comedy genre.
cassilaz I think something left unclear and unreasonable, just the bible and people pray for the thing that they want. I wish the special effect is more realistic.But anyway, I liked the timelines and graphic.
devilvimalkumar I love this movie so much and i thik all the teenage must like this movie. and the b (sam weaving) she's the perfect for babysitting role. and ilI' get Full emotional when cole says' i loved you .... and i don't care...' that's the so much emotional ful moment I've ever seen. to the any teenage.