Race with the Devil
Race with the Devil
PG | 01 June 1975 (USA)
Race with the Devil Trailers

Two couples vacationing together in an R.V. from Texas to Colorado are terrorized after they witness a murder during a Satanic ritual.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
GetPapa Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
jellopuke A couple of dudes on vacation with their wives run afoul of satanists when they accidentally witness a ritual sacrifice. It's one of those movies where EVERY SINGLE PERSON they come across is in on a vast conspiracy to kill them and it all becomes way too corny and unbelievable. Then it throws the 70's bleak downer ending on top of that and you're left with a whole bag of meh. Not awful, but not great either.
belanger75 Review contains a few spoilers.Just about everybody in this film is good to excellent especially Lorretta Swit (of TV's Mash--see my review on that show). The action sequences when hoods come on the motor home while its moving and unsuccessfully try to destroy it are sensibly filmed and well-crafted. All that ruins this film is Lara Parker's terrible performance as Peter Fonda's wife. She makes 100% amateurish, lousy, overblown faces trying to act scared. Swit on the other hand makes perfect countenance in every minute she acts frightened. Swit proves totally that Parker is a terrible actress. Maybe,say, Susan Strasberg should have had Parker's role. Or maybe Swit's character could have been the sole wife in the motor home. Parker was such a mistake in this film!
jacobjohntaylor1 This is only to people who are easy to scary. The story line is awful. The ending is awful. And it not scary. If you get scared of this movie you are to easy to scary. If you want to see something real scary See The Texas chainsaw massacre (1974). That is a real scary movie. If you get scared of this The Texas chainsaw massacre 2 will make you pooh pants. I do not know why it got a 6.6. A lot of people who are easy to scary must have seen it. Of course if you like really gross movies you will like this movie. And if you were scared by this movie do not see Leatherface Texas chainsaw massacre III you will go mad with fear. If you real want to get scared then you should see The Texas chainsaw massacre 2 and you should see Leatherface Texas chainsaw III. Do not waste your time or your money on this crap. It is not a 6.6 it is a 1.
thekesslerboy Does tick quite a few boxes of the period: satanic rituals, luxury campers, motorbikes, car chases and stunts (did they forget kung fu?) but this is one of the best - if not thee best - horror of it's type.The best laid plans of mice and men go to hell when our heroes-like-zeros spy on some Devil worshippers just to get a hazy flash of a young woman's upper charms. All hell breaks loose and a thrilling chase ensues. And when you start to think: well that was that, now things will go flat - you're just a wrong person living in negative town.This film has so much: the satanic thang, the automobile chases / fight action, the relentless threat, and Polanski-esk paranoia and claustrophobia. In 'feel' it's mostly like DUEL, with maybe a hint of ROSEMARY'S BABY.If a new law is passed limiting everybody to 10 horror films, I might keep this one, but 'm not sure, would be close, I'll let you know.