Tooth and Nail
Tooth and Nail
R | 16 October 2007 (USA)
Tooth and Nail Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic world, a small group of survivors, who call themselves Foragers, plan to rebuild civilization from their headquarters in an empty hospital based in what is left of Philadelphia. But they're soon forced into a face-off war with the Rovers, another gang of survivors whom are a brutal gang of cannibals.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Paul Magne Haakonsen I have to start out by saying that given the synopsis of "Tooth and Nail" then I had initially expected a bit more from this movie, but it turned out to be a really boring movie and a major disappointment.The audience is supposed to buy into this being a post apocalyptic world. Right. Except that it didn't come off as being post apocalyptic in one bit. And the reason for the downfall of man and this apocalypse; because we ran out of fuel. Seriously? Ran out of fuel? The storyline is really slow, dull and dimwitted, and it was fast becoming a struggling battle to keep attention to the screen, especially because nothing much of any importance or interest took place on the screen.As for the acting, well people were doing adequate jobs with their given roles and characters. But not even Vinnie Jones could manage to salvage this sinking ship. And believe me, the ship was sinking fast.The one thing that the movie had working for it was the camera-work, which was actually quite good. And also the production value seemed to be adequate. But these factors could do nothing to lift up the rest of this abysmal movie experience.I managed to make it into 53 minutes into the movie before I gave up out of sheer boredom, and actually having dozed off once or twice. And I have no plans to put it on again to finish it, because there just is nothing alluring to make me watch the rest of the movie."Tooth and Nail" scores a meager 2 out of 10 stars.
pausetape There are always good things to say about even the worst films. In this case, I have to say that the lighting was very well done. The use of hot, cold and bleak greys, as well as the beautiful early morning shooting, probably added more to this film than any other film making aspect.Unfortunately, the film is fundamentally daft.Why wouldn't the genius professor just suggest a move to the country where you can grow food and find transport that's fueled by grass? Instead, in all his wisdom, he chooses to occupy an abandoned hospital where they can live the high life off about 2 months worth of Red Cross MREs while sending members of the group out into the factory district of the city to look for "something interesting". Uh, what?For that matter, wouldn't it be easier for the cannibals to take up farming, too? Sure beats the hell out of wandering aimlessly in the hope of bumping into other people when three quarters of the world's population has already expired.Of course, I'm being obtuse, because I can see what the writer/director (and editor) is trying to do. This is meant to be, as all great post-apocalyptic films are, a study of human nature and a sweeping social commentary. That really only works, though, if the literal story - narrative, character motivation, cause and effect - are able to suspend disbelief. In this case, disbelief is thoroughly without suspension.To make matters worse the film is tenaciously predictable. The twist involving Neon can be seen coming at least 30 minutes before it occurs, which entirely undermines those next 30 minutes of film. The action sequences play out in a routine fashion whilst also giving the impression that the director was making them up on the spot. The whole "drug the bodies" approach was so incredibly expected just because the tagging of the syringes earlier in the film was so blatant and awkward.The acting wasn't terrible. The dialogue was appalling but the actors did with it what they could. Michael Madsen and Vinnie Jones, in their brief screen time, managed to give their absolutely dire lines some life by hamming it up to ridiculous proportions. The shift back to the overly serious tones of their fellow cast mates, however, was uncomfortable. Still, with better dialogue and greater clarity of directorial vision the actors would have appeared much stronger. In short, it wasn't their fault.3 out of 10. 2 points for lighting. 1 point for acting.Oh, and I almost forgot to mention. Naming the characters after cars? Every time I heard a character's name I was pulled out of the film. That was just a stupid idea. Don't do that.
Claudio Carvalho When the world ran out gas, sooner the reserves of supply finished; without power to move machines, preserve and transport food and control the environment, came chaos and anarchy. In the post-apocalyptic Philadelphia, nine survivors led by Professor Darwin (Robert Carradine) live in an abandoned hospital sharing their supplies. When they find a young woman being attacked, they rescue her and bring her to their community. She introduces herself as Neon (Rachel Miner) and is welcomed by Darwin. But sooner they are attacked by violent strangers named Rovers; Darwin vanishes and Neon explains that they are cannibals. The survivors split and during the night, they have to fight to survive."Tooth & Nail" is a dark movie about a post-apocalyptic society where the stronger survive. The forgettable story is violent and entertains. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Os Encurralados" ("The Trapped Ones")
BA_Harrison Imagine that you are one of a small community living in a huge abandoned hospital after the fall of civilisation.Do you a) fortify a section of the building to protect against attackers and methodically search for useful supplies, weapons and food? or b) elect a useless leader (who is happy to spend his day banging his woman), leave all the hospital entrances open, and not worry too much about food and weapons, since you have plenty of tasteless army rations and at least two guns and a handful of bullets in case of an emergency?If you answered 'a', then you fully deserve the 'Max Rockatansky Award for Successful Post-Apocalyptic Survival; if your answer was 'b', then pray that civilisation never crumbles: you're clearly not built for life in a world thrown into utter chaos.Now imagine you're a member of group of survivors that have been driven to cannibalism due to a lack of food. You and your pals have several people trapped inside a large building; they are outnumbered, poorly armed, unorganised, and ripe for the picking.Do you a) storm in there, take them all alive (to keep the meat fresh), and cart them off to your lair? OR b) devise an elaborate plan to get one of your people to infiltrate the group, then wait until nightfall, when the building is plunged into total darkness, and take just one victim, leaving the rest for another night-time visit at a later date?If you answered 'a', then congratulations—you have the makings of a successful (and well-fed) cannibal; if you answered 'b' then you're as stupid as the bad-guys in Tooth and Nail, and fully deserve to have your own ass handed to you on a plate.Full of annoying characters incapable of making a decent decision, Tooth and Nail is a dreary piece of dreck that struggles desperately for a sense of realism, but only manages to bore in the process. Whereas recent post-apocalyptic effort Doomsday revelled in its sheer cheesiness but suffered somewhat due to a lack of a thoughtful plot, Tooth and Nail proves to be the 'anti-Doomsday' of the genre, taking itself far too seriously and severely lacking any sense of fun.Writer/director Mark Young's script is extremely weak, with it's 'undercover cannibal' plot device being neither particularly convincing nor totally unexpected, and there is plenty of banal dialogue to bog down proceedings even further. The direction is also rather uninspired, and with much of the action taking place in the dark, the film is a real strain on the eyes (and one's patience); it also makes seeing what might've been some half-decent scenes of gore almost impossible to make out.I rate Tooth and Nail a disappointing 3.5 out of 10. Normally, I would round this up to 4 for IMDb, but thanks to a ridiculous final shot of a cannibalistic Vinnie Jones gurning maniacally through a window, it gets rounded down to a 3!