Warriors of Terra
Warriors of Terra
NR | 01 January 2006 (USA)
Warriors of Terra Trailers

A headstrong animal-rights activist group plans a raid on a bio-tech company to stop the cruelty. They discover the true nature of the experiments that are really taking place. As they break into a biotech lab only to have their idealism crushed by the terrifying things they find inside. But when a genetically mutated human with a taste for human flesh gets released, they all struggle to survive!

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ragnarok-5 This has got to be one of the worst horror movies I have ever seen. Avoid at all costs. The characters are one dimensional, the acting is horrible. They are no scares. You don't care when any of the characters get killed. Why and when did Fix even split up with his group? Ellen Furey (Ali) is one of the plainest looking actors I have ever seen. She is supposed to be the pretty girl, and she is so plain looking. I still can't believe Furlong would want his name above the title of this movie considering he was barely in it. Ali was a complete waste of time. This character shouldn't have even been in this movie with all her whining. The end credits music is just as cheesy as this movie. Too much record spinning on it. Do not waste your time renting or watching this movie. It is abhorrent, and most of the actors who are in this have probably killed their career by being in it.
mikeperryatkings OK, not the worst movie ever made, but the production company better hope the makers of the F.E.A.R. video game never see it.Through the movie, you see the word FEAR on walls, posters, etc. The "creature"'s name is Maya and it's about one cheesed of little girl who's been done wrong by a pharmceutical company... where have I seen that before, oh yeah, the game F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon).This movie rips that game off BIG-TIME... Except it replaces the squads of heavily armed (and generally innefectual) troopers with a bunch OK kids armed with dope and their sneakers.If you like the game fear, you might get some enjoyment out of this version of the story, but as a stand alone movie, it's not great.Oh well, for free on my satellite, with the option to turn it to another station, it's OK.
jamestaglienti This may contain some spoilers. This was one of the most tired films I have ever seen. It upsets me to think that even a thousand dollars was spent filming and producing such a piece of garbage. The cliché climax occurred when the saucy Asian girl, a.k.a. Lucy Liu Jr. pulls a hairpin from her head and picks the lock on a pair of handcuffs. I am sorry, but any movie that is not a comedy or a children's movie should not contain someone being "knocked out" for any amount of time. This movie contained three or more said knockouts, with multiple occurring on the same individual. I think that they filmed this movie in an old battleship, but realized that they only had about sixty minutes of viable footage, and incorporated that miserable "fade to black" effect over and over. Also, the straw-sucking sound whenever someone was attacked was potentially the least creative sound effect that i have ever heard. If they had removed all of the curse words, this movie could easily have aired on television, and probably made a lot more money than it has to date. There was a conspicuous lack of boobs and sex for such a low budget film. I would like to state that i am a fan of low budget films if they have some merit, be it artistic or otherwise. But this movie had no merit whatsoever. It was possibly the least original creation that i have ever witnessed. I could surely go on, but the less time i waste on this piece of crap the better. Redeeming qualities: Ill get back to you.
wrlang Warriors of Terra is about a pharmaceutical company whose lead doctor got involved in human trials for a cancer curing drug a little too soon and had to secure the 'human' subject. When some animal rights dirt bags get into the facility with the help of the daughter of one of the lead doctor, all heck breaks loose. They are discovered and while trying to escape security forces, their computer expert operating from a safe distance opens all the doors in the whole facility and also the human trial (Maya) that went wrong. The doctor goes in trying to save his daughter as Maya feeds on all the others. Lots of infighting and bantering detracted from the film and added unnecessary length. Overall the story and dialog was good. The acting was a little sketchy. The effects were OK for low budget handled mostly by lighting.