Rest Stop
Rest Stop
NR | 07 October 2006 (USA)
Rest Stop Trailers

In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old road, and when they park in a rest stop, Jess is abducted by the sadistic driver of an old yellow truck. Along the night, Nicole is threatened by the sick maniac, while mysterious things happen to her in the place.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Filip Tabak Soo I watched it and I have to say I love it.There are some gross scenes such as *SPOILER ALERT*: Biting off fingers I didn't understand everything and that makes me even more curious about it. I re watched it like 10000 times and still don't understand a thing but it's okay, I'll figure it out, eventually. SPOILERS: Nicole dies!!! Jesse dies!!! Creepy driver and family live!!! Tracy and the policeman are ghosts!!! I think!!! Oh yeah, I read somewhere that they are making part 3!!! YAAY!!! Nicole is now a ghost apparently and will appear in part 2. I was really sorry for Nicole when she got killed. I mean she was so confident and she burns the car when the driver kills her. WTF?
preppy-3 Nicole (Jaimie Alexander) is running away from home to California with boyfriend Jesse (Joey Mendicino). They stop at a remote rest stop for Nicole. After using the facilities Nicole comes out to find Jesse and the car gone. There's nobody around for miles and no other cars are there--except for the mysterious yellow truck which always seems to be driving around.The central mystery is interesting but Nicole and Jesse are obnoxious, ugly and swear nonstop. When Nicole is left alone it gets boring. Then the film just starts getting really strange by throwing in gratuitous blood and gore in your face. Things get REALLY complicated and annoying and boring...and the Joey Lawrence pops up and the movie just goes to pieces. Alexander gives a fairly good performance but that's all this movie has going for it. There's no resolution, the gore is disgusting (and pointless) and I was totally frustrated by the end. You can skip this one.
rainbowijij I just finished watching this. what a waste of time!!! Actually I didn't watch the complete movie, I couldn't stand it around an hour later and then I just fast forwarded and skipped some boring dialogs. The whole movie was totally NONSENSE!!!!!!! The ONE and ONLY important question about this movie: Why the heck didn't Nicole just walk for help?? She could have gone so far if she walks for help at the very beginning. I can understand that walking miles away and leaving boyfriend behind is not a good choice at the beginning. But after few hours she should leave there!!! The killer was NOBODY to this movie as I didn't know how he looks like. (I know just like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, we didn't have to know how the killer actually looks like.) But what I mean is at least the killer should be a main character in the movie which I couldn't feel in Rest Stop. And what is that ghost thing? the girl named Tracy? obviously she was a ghost but what was the point to put her there? Speaking about the cop, it was all jokes. why didn't Nicole just pull the cop to the room next to her after he has been run over by the truck, and pulled him to the toilet instead? And the shooting scene, oh god, laugh out loud. and when the fire started, the cop was gone, where was his body? so many questions in my head now... I won't recommend this to anyone, even huge horror fans...
WhoDeyLeisure This movie was on Showtime tonight, so I decided to give it a shot. It was pretty bad, but kept on watching. Until...the victim finds a cop. The cop talks to the bad guy, and lets him go. Then, the bad guy runs the cop over with his truck. What does the cop do?In the most calm voice ever..."Nicole....Help me."SERIOUSLY? Not only is this the worst acting's the worst writing, screenplay, special effects, etc...EVER!!!Then she gets him into the bathroom and says.... "What can I do to help?"And the cops says... "Shoot me."She the girl says... "I'll just clean you up a bit."Really? REALLY? I turned it off.