Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
NR | 30 September 2008 (USA)

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One year after running away from home, Nicole and Jesse are still missing. When Jesse's brother, Tom, returns home from active duty, he sets out with his friends Marilyn and Jared to locate the lost couple. Their search leads them to the stretch of old highway with a mysterious Rest Stop, where they find themselves in the same predicament as Nicole and Jesse: confronting a madman.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
IcyRoses The first Rest Stop is cinema at it's worst, so when the sequel came along, I expected the same thing, horror trying to be art. Well, to say least, I was a little surprised.The story follows the brother of the man killed in the first part, he decides to go to California to look for his brother and his girlfriend. He brings his girlfriend and geeky friend. Soon, the come upon the rest stop where the two people perished, and soon the same supernatural crap that happened in the first one starts happening to them.First of all, this film actually wallows in the supernatural crap, so it's not annoying or confusing like in the first. The acting is nothing to scream about, it's not horrible. And while the story is still stupid and confusing (not to mention full of plot holes) it's still entertaining to a certain degree.In the end, you can skip it, unless you REALLY loved the first.
joemamaohio One year after his brother and girlfriend disappeared, Tom (Richard Tillman) and his girlfriend Marilyn (Jessie Ward) decide to go to California to find them. Tom's geeky friend Jared (Graham Norris) travels with them.The same guy who killed his brother is still haunting the highway, and finds and tortures the new breed of travelers, and also returning is the RV filled with the walking corpses.This movie reminds me of "Joy Ride 2"...another needless sequel with subpar acting, story, and effects. Nothing that distinguishes itself from being memorable, and something that will easily be forgotten.
jonesyj I disagree with Mr. Schmitt in most things. First, the casting. Tom Hilts (Richard Tilman) wasn't overly likable, but he wasn't playing a care bear. I did like him and found myself routing for him and his quest. He channeled some real emotion and I definitely felt his pain. Jared (Graham Norris) was perfect as the dorky side kick, and I found him to be quite likable. Although I'm not sure he was supposed to be, I found him quite hilarious. The girlfriend Marilyn (Jessie Ward) wasn't a good hot chick, she is better described as the average chick, who was so annoying i found myself wishing she'd die a horribly painful and bloody death after the first 20 minutes. It did help ease the pain of her horrendous acting that she showed her boobies, although I'm pretty sure they're fake, so I deduct two points. Final score: Tilman 7.5, Norris 8, Ward 4.2.Torture and blood have always and will always be a necessary staple in the horror genre. There was nothing boring about the torture scenes in this movie, in fact, I'd say those scenes are what make the movie worth watching. Kudos to the make up artists. Could have used more boobs and hotter ladies. Also, the movie could have used more of the trailer family as they are the creepiest part, but I liked that they explained the back story on the driver and how it all began.The dialog is sub par and gets a bit cheesy, which is probably why some of the acting is also sub par, but that is to be expected with this type of movie. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good horror flick.
Anthony Pittore III (Shattered_Wake) One year after couple Jesse (Joey Mendicino) and Nicole (Julie Mond) disappeared, Jesse's brother, Tom (Richard Tillman), asks his friends (Jessie Ward, Graham Norris) to join him on a search for his brother. On the way, they stumble upon the same isolated Rest Stop that Jesse and Nicole were brutalized. Unfortunately for Tom and his friends, the yellow-truck-driving madman still haunts the roadside looking for victims. . . and they're next on his route.While not a fan of the below-average first (simply Rest Stop), I decided to give Rest Stop: Don't Look Back a fair chance. In the first film, an average idea (a couple gets stranded at an isolated rest stop and a crazed killer stalks them down) is ruined by an impossible twist (and you thought Haute Tension's was unbelievable), subpar performances by actors we've seen do better, and a script so contrived my head was pounding in annoyance. So, the sequel came out with a LOT of ground to make up if it wanted to be even worth a passing glance. One major thing holds back the sequel before even it even begins: there's not a lot you can do at a rest stop. The first didn't do too much, but I think it took advantage of the few things possible at a bathroom. Therefore, as Rest Stop: Don't Look Back progressed, it felt kind of like Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning in comparison to the remake. . . the same subject matter with just a couple twists in the plot and different characters. That's not a very good thing. A subpar first doesn't warrant a sequel to begin with, but if a sequel MUST be made, do something special with it! Surprise your audience, give us something new, give us a reason to say, "I'm glad I picked that up." Do NOT, under any circumstance, feed us the same trite garbage you gave us in the first. This is all where this sequel failed. Well, there. . . and with the horrendous script, the stiff and unrealistic acting, horrible story progression and pacing, and dizzying camera-work. I won't completely put it off as terrible, however, as there was some good gore and violence, much more than what I remember from the first. Unfortunately, we missed some of the best violence (eye gouging and the like) due to scene cutaways, but I attribute that to a low budget. The gore wasn't enough to save the film, however, and it ends up being just as lame, predictable (and somehow ridiculous), and forgettable as the original.Final verdict: 3.75/10.
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