The Devil's Nightmare
The Devil's Nightmare
R | 29 May 1974 (USA)
The Devil's Nightmare Trailers

Seven tourists sent by Satan to a castle are caught by a ghastly woman as they commit deadly sins.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Steineded How sad is this?
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
morrison-dylan-fan Gathering up Horror DVDs to list on Ebay,I spotted a Gothic Horror title starring Erica Blanc that my dad had recently picked up,which led to me getting ready to experience some devilish nightmares.Berlin 1945:As bombs fall around them,the wife of Baron von Rhoneberg dies in childbirth.Shortly after his wife dies,Rhoneberg kills their new born baby girl (talk about taking things easy for the viewer!)Years later:Planning to visit an erotic island,a group of tourists discover that they have missed the last cruise ship for the day.Searching round for a place to stay,the tourists run into a stranger on the road,who tells them that Rhoneberg may allow them to stay at his castle for the night.Met by Rhoneberg's butler Hans,they are invited in and shown to their bedrooms. Settling down,the tourists meet Rhoneberg over dinner,who decides to treat the guests to some folk tales involving his family,one of which claims that the family have made a deal with the devil,who turns the first Rhoneberg daughters into a Succubus.View on the film:Filmed in a real castle,director Jean Brismée and cinematographer André Goeffers lock the group in with tight winding shots,which along with displaying long corridors in the castle,also creates a smooth atmosphere of impending Gothic Horror doom.Whilst the camera goes a bit jumpy for the ghost/demon effects, Brismée makes up for it by treating the Succubus in a lavish manner,by matching the rotting special facial effects with a keen eye to show ever section of the Succubus naked flesh.Based around the 7 deadly sins,the screenplay by Pierre-Claude Garnier & Patrice Rhomm attempts to make each of the tourist a various sin.Whilst this idea does lead to some nice vicious deaths and a wonderfully jet-black comedic ending,the writers fail to connect any of the tourists to their particular sins,which leads to a long dry build up before the exposure of their original sins. Slithering across the screen, Erika Blanc gives a sizzling performance as Lisa Müller/the Succubus,thanks to Blanc making Lisa's nakedness being a powerful tool for dominance,as Lisa entwines herself around the tourists,and gives them all a devilish night.
mark.waltz Buxom European women of all hair colors get their day in the T&A world of Satanic subterfuge, a Nosferatu-like demon and the explanation of what a succubus is. A carload of travelers spend the night in the castle of an aging former Nazi officer who once murdered his newborn baby girl because of a family curse. Among the travelers is a priest who has not taken his final vows, and becomes the lustful target of the demon's evil plot. Quicksand, be-headings, spike-filled torture chambers and giant snakes are just a few of the demonic tools utilized by Bealzebub to gather souls which leads to an offer he can't refuse by the virginal priest-to-be.Some of the shocks come fast and furious, others are downright spooky, while the sexual antics (some containing very lesbian activities) are as frequent as the horrifying demises. Visually, minus the over-abundance of female breasts and buttocks, this is quite a treat for the eye, impressively dubbed into English. Heterosexual men might find a fetish thrill with the gorgeous women involved in lesbian pleasure, but horror fans will be bored. Fortunately, the fast forward button will take care of those tedious moments to get right back to the macabre. The very buxom succubus who does appear is made up to look appropriately demonic, with evil looking eyes and red-tinted skin that almost makes her appear to be undead as well as a tool of the prince of darkness. Like other European trash horror films, it's certainly not brilliant cinema, but enjoyable in spite of the implausibilities.
gavin6942 A bus of tourists is directed by a creepy farmer to stay in the castle of Baron von Rhoneberg, an ex-Nazi officer who despite his past seems very welcoming. Things seem to be going well until they are joined by an eighth guest (Erika Blanc), who may very well be a succubus.I know a little something about how succubi operate. I dated one once, back when I was young and stupid. Now that I'm old and stupid, I can reflect back and see her succubus charm and how it is hollow... but I digress. Traditionally, a succubus is a demon that seduces men, often in their sleep, and engages in sexual relations with them. Sadly, the so-called succubus here never does anything of the sort. (But there is a lesbian sex scene for those who are into that sort of thing.) According to many sources, the bus passengers are supposed to represent the seven deadly sins, but it is really hard to make that connection. Lust is clear, gluttony is painfully obvious and greed seems clear. But who is the priest? Pride? It's not clear at all. Who is sloth? Who is envy? Wrath? I could make guesses, but it's not clear. Unlike "Seven", where the sins are laid out very clearly, here it's a guessing game and the fates are far less torturous (though no less deadly).Reviewer Theron Neel, who does excellent work, points out this film has been known by at least fourteen names and seems to have a decent following, yet very little can be found about it. I agree wholeheartedly with this assessment. I really enjoyed the story and the characters and the dark twist towards the end... this film could easily get a decent treatment with special features and whatnot. Yet, it seems to be considered largely disposable. That is unfortunate.If you can find this one, I encourage you to pick it up. The version I own is on the "Blood Bath" collection, which is the bare minimum of quality. There's also a version from Diamond that I presume is superior (but don't take my word for it). I'd love to see Dark Sky or Anchor Bay pick this one up and dig up old footage and such.
Witchfinder General 666 "La Plus Longue Nuit Du Diable" aka. "La Terrificante Notte Del Demonio" aka. "The Devil's Nightmare" of 1971 is an admittedly cheesy, but overall delicate piece of Eurohorror that no lover of Cult cinema should miss. Jean Brismées film has the overall reputation of being more or less a piece of crap, but while the plot is doubtlessly incoherent, the film profits from sinister characters, a macabre mood, a nice Gothic atmosphere, as well as some gore, sleaze and creepiness, and, last but not least the beautiful Erica Blanc in a genuinely demented role. The film starts out in the final days of Nazi Germany, when Baron Von Rhoneberg (Jean Servais) kills his newborn daughter after baptizing her - for unknown reasons. Two and a half decades later, a bus-load of tourists come to visit the Baron's castle. We learn that, 700 years before, an ancestor of the Baron's had made a pact with the devil, which resulted in every first-born Rhoneberg daughter becoming a Succubus, a female demon in service of the devil. And, apparently, the infanticide committed by the Baron years ago did not stop a devilish creature to come into existence... Erika Blanc is a stunning beauty, also in this film, but she looks creepy as hell as the Succubus. The most intense, creepiest moments in the film are those when she turns into the succubus, especially when she does so for the first time. I do not want to give too much away, but i can assure that these scenes alone make it worth watching the film. Blanc is best known to Horror fans for her roles in Mario Bava's 1966 masterpiece "Kill Baby... Kill!" (aka. "Operazione Paura") and Emilio Miraglia's Gothic Giallo "The Night Evelin Came Out Of The Grave" of 1971. This is another film a lover of European Horror/Exploitation cinema should not miss her in. Apart from Blanc, there are several other beautiful female cast members. Praise also goes to Daniel Emilfork - man, what a CREEPY-looking fellow! One would not want to run into this fellow by night, I can assure. "The Devil's Nightmare" is actually less sleazy than I expected it to be, with a rather small dose of occasional female nudity, sex and lesbianism. However, the film is as macabre as one could possibly hope, with loads of insanity, demented characters and a generous use of bizarre execution/murder devices. And, all the cheese aside, this also has quite a dose of creepiness All said, this is probably not the kind of film that will appeal to those who strictly fall for the "Citizen Kane" type of cinema, but all my fellow fans of demented Eurosmut should have a great time watching this. Highly recommended!