Hallowed Ground
Hallowed Ground
NR | 09 October 2007 (USA)
Hallowed Ground Trailers

After she becomes stranded in a small town, a young woman discovers her arrival there was foretold a century earlier by the town's founding preacher and that she is an integral part of his impending - and terrifying - rebirth.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
leader-16 I saw the premier of this movie and i had high hopes, over all it was a very good sci-fi movie. Now the first problem i had with the movie was the beginning scene, when they are putting the man on the cross, now would'NT that make you think that the man on the cross is the scar crow trying to get the women? Other than that it was good, kept you on the edge of your seat. Some of it was confusing, the little girl's dad, is the dead Reverend, it's been like 3 months since the premier, and i forgot how the dad became the Reverend, that part really mad me confused. In closing, i'd watch it again, i saw it at BlockBuster a few months ago, but we did'NT get it, instead we rented Hostile 2, which was horrible.
kiawa77 What is this movie about? I mean, I'm willing to suspend my belief to enjoy a good sci-fi or horror flick, but not to a ridiculous degree.I am writing this as I watch the movie. Prepare for a stream of consciousness review of this not-so-amazing film.Wow, a gasoline station. A corn field. This is absolutely unoriginal. The reporter isn't bad, but her demise is far too fast. Where is the character development in this movie??? FLAW: The lead actress started the police car when she first escaped from the corn field, but cops don't ever turn their vehicles off while on duty.FLAW: The cop left her alone in the police station, not to mention with shotguns conveniently mounted on a wall rack. Of course you'd leave a distraught young lady alone in a station with unlocked guns... This is just completely unbelievable.Whoa, suddenly a congregation appears, as told by the bland priest who seemed to be reading his lines off a teleprompter. The acting in this movie is sub par, to say the least."Take her to the gas station!" What? I'm not a video connoisseur, but how come all these movies involve city-boy cops, nutty religious folk, fields, and a gas station? During the crying scene in the police car, I assume this was an attempt at further developing our main character. However, it is a very lame performance and adds nothing to the film whatsoever.FLAW: Wow, those congregation folks sure do travel fast, don't they? They're all in the church when the cop drives off, assuming a 40mph clip. But those crazies know exactly where to find them, even though they're 'ordinary folk', not the undead scarecrow with powers, who we see again. Up to this point, he had been trying to kill the girl, but a tattoo changed all that. What?! For the bedroom scene, I was hoping for a good horror-rape by a scarecrow. This is supposed to be a horror movie, isn't it? But no... a way too fast death by pillow of an undeveloped priest character.FLAW: Holding a lighter out to the left side of the body immediately causes a reddish spot to shine on you from the right. No laws of physics here! FLAW: There's that little girl Sabrina, now hiding out underground. The townsfolk are able to find anyone anywhere, but some how a CHILD outwitted them and escaped? Not probable.FLAW: Our heroine swears not to let anything happen to Sabrina, but then she leaves her to fend for herself. Ah yes, the pinnacle of protection there. She's going to run to the next town to get help from cops, most likely due to the fact that it worked so well in this town.The town down the road is unpopulated. The phones are dead. The people are dead. This movie is far too predictable. But at least our heroine showed up, just in time to find all the strung up bodies, which any other person would've seen, I think.Again, the conversion of the sheriff is obvious when he reappears. This is far too predictable.Okay, so it's more than an hour and a half into this mess (on TV, so that's including commercials), and I honestly have no idea what this movie is really supposed to be about. A mad scarecrow killer? Some mad townsfolk killers? Somehow the scarecrow-reverend needs a baby overnight to come back to life, but he won't get it from this non-virgin womb. Don't forget the little-girl-trapped-in-the-shelter rescue subplot. Despite its predictability, this flick is confusing.Thank goodness for the arsonist child. Thank goodness for the wild and random shooting of the cop. We are grateful for the conveniently-placed pitchfork.FLAW: Notice the fire that quickly envelops the house but then burns consistently. In fact, it looks like the same footage of the burning house over and over again...PSEUDO-FLAW (this is derived from common sense, or really the lack thereof): You'd think, perhaps, one would consider getting the heck OUT of the corn fields, especially since the majority of the murders happened there.FLAW: Being a vegetable gardener and rather familiar with things like corn, I must pose the following: corn does not grow on a vine, nor does it have a deep or extensive root system. Therefore, where are these vines coming from to hold the prisoner? Neighboring grape fields? FLAW: Is that blood or BBQ sauce? Daddy looks great for having been nailed up on a cross for more than a day, especially considering the local crow population.FLAW: What is up with the fake crows... that live underground(?). Death by crows in a horror flick is good (though unoriginal now), but I distinctly heard the screeching of a hawk amidst these rather poor CGI crows. Those birds are not of the same feather.So now we're hitch-hiking. Apparently we haven't learned our lesson about strangers in a small town.PSEUDO-FLAW (again, common sense): The driver has no questions when picking up a bloody, scratched-up woman and a disheveled child. Perfectly normal, perfectly natural. The very end is the most confusing of all when we see that the preacher is still alive, then pan to the open road ahead, and then show the credits.Relatively well-filmed, but completely lame in all other aspects.
gavin6942 After she becomes stranded in a small town, a young woman (played by Jaimie Alexander of "Rest Stop") discovers her arrival there was foretold a century earlier by the town's founding preacher and that she is an integral part of his impending -- and terrifying -- rebirth. Oh, and there's a scarecrow that likes to kill people, too.So I waited too long to write this review and the film is no longer fresh in my mind. Therefore, I cannot make very good specific criticisms. Sorry. But maybe the film isn't worth a thorough dissemination, as it really wasn't particularly good. I enjoy Jaimie Alexander, so it was nice to see her in another horror movie (are you a horror actress or a TV actress, Jaimie?) but besides that... I don't know.Having seen both "Superstition" and "Horror Rises From the Tomb" this year, the idea of a prophecy that has an old religious fanatic coming back from the grave really wasn't a shocking new development in cinema for me. So this time it was a preacher instead of a warlock or witch... it was still a man who believes in the supernatural who had turned to killing in order to get his way with things, so there's not really a huge stretch.What really struck me as the mistake with this film is the focus on the city of believers (not unlike "The Reaping" or any other film with a religious, isolated city) and not so much on the scarecrow that came back to kill people. I didn't quite understand the scarecrow, but I wanted to see more of him (an maybe get a better background). People with cult beliefs just don't do it for me, unless there's some really, really good explanation (which there rarely is). I'd complain about the cop being in on the whole thing, but I already made that complaint today in my review for "Lake Dead"... just stop it already! Should I complain about the gas station being in on it, too? You know, like "House of 1000 Corpses" or "Vacancy" or many others? Do all these small towns take notes from the same textbook?Sure, you get a crucifixion. I like them, you like them... we all like seeing people nailed to the cross. Some of us like to look at this sort of thing once a week or more (I'm not one of those people). So there's blood. I don't recall any nudity, though... unfortunately. I mean, I like Jaimie Alexander with clothe on -- she's classy. But she had a friend in the film... if you're going to die anyway, why not just take your shirt off?Like I said, I cannot make very good specific complaints. But I wasn't impressed. Everything about this film reeked off some other films. Oh, scarecrows like "Jeepers Creepers" or corn rows like... "Children of the Corn"? And I've already made numerous other references in this review. I suppose if you're going to rent this, you're going to rent this. Some of you may even be gullible enough to buy it. But I want you to know if you're going to do it, it's not going to be because of me. My copy is getting less play than Richard Simmons at the Playboy Mansion.
Aaron1375 This movie is fairly predictable, nothing that you will not be able to figure out rather quickly. However, there are a good couple of kills, and the flow of the movie is very fast. The story, gal gets stranded in a town with a bizarre past of a preacher using living scarecrows to scare off actual crows. He was subsequently killed by people in the neighboring town. Our stranded lady learns this from a reporter of a tabloid paper who is doing a story on the town. Some how they become best buds in what is essentially maybe an hour worth of time, I somewhat enjoyed this flick, but then it is not without some flaws. There is a scarecrow, and lots of religious nuts and we have quite a few chase scenes. The movie is not without its many faults though as it is a cheaply made direct to DVD movie. The opening features a horrible computer animated scene of a guy in a cornfield with crows and it looks awful, I was expecting a much worse picture from that scene as I hate computer generation that is completely unnecessary. How hard is it to find a cornfield and to put skeletons on crosses in it, I would wager not to difficult. The scarecrow angle was rather good then abandoned and forgotten near the end where we have a crappy looking crow attack. Still, it passes some time and I found it on the whole somewhat entertaining. Just do not expect to much.
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