NR | 09 April 2016 (USA)
Peelers Trailers

A small town strip club owner must defend her bar, her strippers and her life when violent infected patrons show up on the final closing night and all hell breaks loose.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Flow Ok, I see this movie attracted a lot of sympathy and I get that. It had some good usage of dark humor, an OK plot, good character development, overall the people involved in the making of this movie did their job right. Of course it is a low budget horror, so don't expect a masterpiece, it's a zombie movie with some comedy elements blended in, plenty of nudity I'd say, typical deaths on screen and an unexpected ending. In a good way too.If you dig it, you should definitely try Zombie Strippers, the original stripper zombies, with more dark humor, more blood, nudity and famous actors even porn actresses! That's right! So all in all, if you're fan of the type this one is pretty OK by my standards. Not the biggest admirer out there, so I'll only recommend it for people that know what they're going in! Cheers!
NEON POLTERGEIST I don't Believe I've ever seen such bad strip dancing ever. I would like to Think that If you make a story involving strippers there would be actual good choreographers on set and more genuine dancing. Here you have like childish hot topic wannabe Girls trying to pull of some sexy dancing but its not, Even the intro is like the most Hollywood's b grade you can come up with. Silicon tits, ugly ass tattoo, the acting is c grade. OK I often enjoy really cheap b horrors to if they got a sense of style. nothing here is good.
Jim McLennan There have been films about zombies before. Hell, there have been films about strippers fending off zombies before (the subtly named Zombie Strippers, for example). But this one adds, of all things, baseball into the mix, so with three of my favourite things included, how could it go wrong? Okay, I was pretty much already sold at zombies. Or strippers.Anyway, this takes place on the last night of business at a small-town strip-club which is about to be sold. It runs under the watchful eye of manager Blue Jean (Walker), a former ace pitcher who handles the girls and deals with troublesome customers, while also wrangling her kid brother and personal life. These, however, are trivial concerns, compared to tonight's main issue. A bunch of workers at the nearby mine show up, ostensibly to celebrate one of their number's birthday. However, one of their number was exposed to a mysterious, unpleasant black ooze seeping up from the ground, and is feeling increasingly ill as a result.You don't have to be psychic to figure out where this is all going, and there aren't many surprises in the plot – except perhaps the story of why Blue Jean drives around a police-issue motorcycle (frequently referenced during the film, finally explained in a scene inserted into the end credits). It's still a remarkable amount of fun, an unrepentantly trashy romp that embraces both nudity and violence with equal enthusiasm. The first half is mostly about the flesh, as we get to know the patrons and, in particular, get up close and personal with the staff of the establishment. Certainly raunchy stuff, culminating in one stripper giving the whole front row a golden shower. (Nothing like that ever happened in the Canadian strip-clubs I went to, but that was back in 1998!) However, I should stress, the script and direction still put the effort in to create decent characters. Blue Jean, in particular, is a great bad-ass, but the rest have their quirks and foibles which make them seem more like real people, rather than just lightly-clad zombie snacks. Which brings us neatly to the second half of the film, where the carnage kicks in, and since the monsters here are damn near unstoppable, they require appropriately heavy-duty opposition. Things are artfully constructed to work within the single location, and this, along with a brisk pace, should distract the viewer from tricky questions like, "Why doesn't everyone just leave?" It's certainly a sharp change from Schelenz's debut feature, Skew, a found footage film which relied on atmosphere for almost all of its impact. This is far less thoughtful – and doesn't give a damn either, being more than happy to function as a pipeline for copious quantities of the three B's beloved by Joe-Bob Briggs: blood, breasts and beasts. Though here, we can perhaps add "baseball", since according to Schelenz, "the structure of the film itself is revealed like a 9-inning ball game." I've now seen the film on multiple occasions, and I'm still not sure if he's serious. Guess I'll just have to watch it again – and, this time, try to be less distracted by the other three B's
Claudio Carvalho In a small town, Blue Jean (Wren Walker) is the owner of a strip club that grieves the death of her boyfriend Lucas. She decided to sell the club and she is promoting a farewell night for clients. Four Mexican workers come to the bar to celebrate the oil they found in a coal mine but they do not feel well. When they go to the restroom, they turn into bizarre creatures. Meanwhile Blue's stepson, the troublemaker Logan (Madison J. Loos), arrives in the bar in a stolen car chased by two police officers. He hides in Blue's office but soon people are attacked by the monsters wreaking havoc on the club. Blue Jean and the other survivors have to fight to destroy the creatures and save their lives."Peelers" is a terrible horror film with a storyline that is a sub product of "Zombie Strippers". However "Peelers" is messy B-movie, with a lame and corny story without the necessary humor for this type of film. The last part is awful, with the participation of the guy that bought the strip club. The brilliant deduction of the survivors that the creatures would be affected by water or beer is maybe the dumbest part of this flick. Further, when the viewer expects that this movie has finished, there are other scene in the credits. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): Not Available