Kiss Me Monster
Kiss Me Monster
| 28 March 1969 (USA)
Kiss Me Monster Trailers

On an island somewhere in the Caribbean a professor is experimenting with mankind. Meanwhile, The Red Lips are moonlighting on a striptease world tour, but as soon as they hit the stage, the girls are up to their pasties in stiffs, Satanists and Sapphic sadists, all after the professor's secret formula for human clones!

TinsHeadline Touches You
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
archie_stanton I'm gonna keep this review short and sweet (like the movie).KISS ME MONSTER is nothing but fun. It's campy, it's surely a product of it's time (the late 1960's Europe), and if you like Eurospy spoofs and Jess Franco, you won't really be disappointed here.The plot is whacky, (like it's predecessor, "Two Under Cover Angels", aka "Sadist Erotica"), but this movie really isn't about the plot. What makes it fun is the sharp fast paced witty dialog between the two leads. It comes off almost like a sitcom, paced with a jab or joke almost every other line.So, that's about all there is to it, if you like these kinds of movies, and just want something very light and campy, check it out.
mdm-11 Anyone with a super-8 camera (with bad dub added later), various luxurious sets, several tiny Euro-Convertibles, a few long-legged call-girls in mini-skirts, several cute college guys, and a few hours to blow, could have made this film, and probably done a better job.The story appears to be made up as they go. A team of "stewardess-like" knock-outs in cool (skin-tight) outfits are on to some spy stuff, people get murdered wherever they show up, all of which is handled with total calm and matter-of-factness. Oops, a man just got stabbed as he's giving a clue (I wish I had received a clue, but no such luck). One more dead, better get out our costumes and into something else. The mad scientists's wife is dead! Oh my! What now? On with the mindless plot, and on, and on, and on.This isn't "camp" it's TORTURE! Absolutely awful! Suddenly the films made by Edd Wood look like masterpieces. Give me "Refer Madness", "Pink Flamingos" or "Plan 9 From Outer Space". "Kiss Me Monster" all of a sudden has no equal as the absolute worst film ever made. I've seen a lot of movies, but this one needs to be pulverized and sent into Outer Space, it's THAT BAD!
Infofreak Unfortunately the version of 'Kiss Me Monster' I watched was the 75 minute, badly dubbed version. I'm blaming most of the movie's inadequacies on that. I enjoyed 'Sadisterotica' as a change of pace for Jess Franco - a campy spy thriller rather than his more typical erotic nightmares on film - but this is nowhere near as good.The 'Red Lips' detective team (Janine Reynaud and Rosanna Yanni) return, as do a few Franco regulars. The plot this time around is paper thin. Some sheet music leads the girls to an island where a missing scientist has been experimenting on people. They pose as saxophonists (!) while they investigate the mysterious goings on there, which somehow involve a secret cult. There's all the usual double crosses, plot twists, skimpy outfits, and a totally gratuitous go-go dancing sequence, but the emphasis this time around is more on humour ("humour" - it isn't the least bit amusing) rather than action. Not Franco's best effort, and certainly not a good introduction to his oeuvre. 'Vampiros Lesbos' and 'Succubus' are still the best way for newcomers to begin.
silentgpaleo When one of the first scene of a film contains the line, "Well, let me tell you the story about what happened," you know that you're in for a classic. This is that kind of classic. KISS ME MONSTER is a short, sometimes dull, and always sleazy film that makes you wish there were still drive-ins. How else could this have made it into theaters, except for maybe a few grindhouses.KISS ME MONSTER is a hodge-podge of cliches, lots of red herrings, and a plot that is practically indescribable. In fact, I'm not sure if there really is a plot, just a series of scenes that are excuses to show the two female leads in different stages of undress. The dialogue is ridiculous (to be fair, this may be the fault of the below-par dubbing), and the characters are mostly unlikable.But, in its own cynical yet silly way, the film has its charms. The blonde lead is very attractive, and she gives karate-chops, too. Plus, Jesus Franco, as cheap a director as he is, usually accomplishes come good photography. Plus, some of the jazz on the soundtrack is pretty good.I liked KISS ME MONSTER, but for all the wrong reasons. I laughed out-loud so many times, I kept wondering if it was supposed to be funny. Alas, I don't think so. If anyone can explain how the plot leads to the island with the mad scientist, please let me know. Because I was scratching my head the whole time...