The Zombie Diaries
The Zombie Diaries
R | 29 October 2006 (USA)
The Zombie Diaries Trailers

In the early part of the 21st Century, an unknown virus began spreading among the populous. Within weeks it had engulfed the entire planet, from the smallest communities to the greatest cities. Upon the death of its host, the virus would reanimate the corpse until it was no longer able to support itself. Soon the planet was infested with a new threat - the undead. So begins our journey into the dystopian world of the zombie diaries.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Krome This is a movie so irredeemably lousy, the only reason I feel inspired to put up a review is to try and save somebody else the time and cash which could be better spent on something more worthy.Feeble acting, weak "plot" and scene after scene of watching unsympathetic characters doing things which make you shout, "you just wouldn't do that"! at the screen - it's an endless, joyless piece of junk.As a student film done by teenagers, this would be fine. As something made by adults, it is an insult to its audience. I won't repeat all the points made by the other reviews - but simply add another voice to the chorus saying:DON'T BOTHER WATCHING THIS RUBBISH
astoler Totally amateurish movie, and it shows in every aspect. I won't give spoilers but simply discuss the cinematic merit.1. Soundtrack - no such thing. Most often people are just talking without any soundtrack. Soundtracks are important in horror films. Sometimes there are sounds but they don't qualify as music.2. Acting - weak.3. Lighting - Terrible. Sometimes the face of the actor looks totally white and shiny due to lighting being aimed right into their faces.4. Makeup effects - weak, low budget.5. Camera work - unskilled, probably hand held.6. Extras - no use of extras. Just a few actors (budget again).7. Zombies - again to the low budget effects couldn't be done so when zombies attack you will see almost only darkness.8. Plot - another zombie movie...Its not even "cult bad", its just bad due to poor execution and a waste of time.
trashgang So much negativity about this zombie flick. I was even afraid to watch it until part 2 popped up a few weeks ago. From the start you could easily see that it was a low budget flick. The way to hide that is the use of the documentary style of editing and storytelling. Naturally that falls into a part that many hate due the shaky camera's. Just looked at the hyped Cloverfield and the things it caused and why it failed at the box offices. But I must be honest, I don't have any problem with this kind of flicks.It was made before the blockbusters of documentary films REC (2007) and Paranormal Activity (2007)and is weird that Zombie Diaries never got the attention required to become a famous flick. So many hate the zombies in this flick because they just wander around with nothing to do. Well, face it, the zombies in the much acclaimed The Walking Dead aren't doing anything too, they just stray everywhere. And there are no complaints about The Walking Dead, but the difference is that the story in The Walking Dead is sublime. Here the story is a bit confusing due the shaky shots and some parts being filmed in the dark with the now famous "night vision". It starts off all pretty well and you get to know the crew making a documentary before they see that things are wrong. The appearance of the first zombie is even in the REC style, so it's really weird that this flick is hated by so many. But I guess at the end of the day that so many zombie geeks are used nowadays at the fast running zombies. The effects used and make-up for the zombies was okay. What can I say, maybe an underrated flick and made a few years too early to pick in on the hype of REC and Paranormal Activity.Gore 2/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
Trevor Romney Let me just save you some time if you picked this movie up thinking that the pictures and praises littering the case made it look like it was worth watching. Not only was it not anywhere near a, "Powerhouse of a movie." It also didn't contain any of the scenes depicted on the front. I LOVE zombie movies. And I've seen a few that were worse than this one, but honestly, this is a snooze-fest with the slowest, dumbest zombies on the planet that still somehow managing to infect people. If you wanna see a documentary style zombie film that's at least partially worth your time, go check out Quarantine. I found it to be MUCH better.