The Zombie Diaries 2
The Zombie Diaries 2
| 11 October 2011 (USA)
The Zombie Diaries 2 Trailers

Three months have passed since a viral outbreak wiped out 99.9% of the world's population, turning its victims into flesh-eating living dead. In the UK, a surviving band of soldiers and civilians have taken refuge at a rural military barracks. Life in this new world is tough and brutal, but hope appears when a high level communication is received from a military base on the coast, telling of sanctuary elsewhere in Europe... But just as salvation appears to be in reach, the base suffers an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the living dead! The surviving handful of troops and civilians must now make their way to the coast to uncover the truth behind the message. Their perilous journey takes them across a now treacherous, death-ravaged landscape, where the living dead are vast in number and wandering bandits impose their own malicious sense of law and order. What follows is a journey into hell and a desperate battle against all odds for the very survival of the human race

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
GL84 Following a worldwide outbreak, soldiers from a compromised British military base escape into the countryside with a fellow survivor and come across a few holdouts under attack by not only the rampaging zombies but another deadly threat forcing them to protect everyone to get away alive.This one wasn't nearly as bad as the original but does have a few problems. One of the main elements this one gets right is the fact that the action for once is handled in a way that makes them visible and coherent this time around, which is a vast improvement. Even though once again this one is found-footage, there's the big emphasis on making the sequences much more notable, with the opening attack on the base as the creatures swarm out of the darkness coming towards them en masse with the massive horde approaching the hail of gunfire which carries deeper into the base where their escape attempts are held up by the outbreaks of violent attacks on the now- zombified civilians throughout the compound resulting in even more frantic gunfire to make their escape. Leading into the later encounters of the troop out in the countryside, from their chilling attack in the deserted house where the zombies emerge out of the deeper rooms of the house or the utterly thrilling moment of them getting into that confrontation with the creatures in the middle of the forest which is captured completely through the night-vision qualities of the video camera to capture them going through the line of defenses and getting attacked by the creatures and the fact that these become all the more enjoyable due to the fact that they can be seen with a great deal more competence this time around. Even into the finale, with the appearance at the camp does get quite nice with the amount of viable time spent on the showcase of actual zombie attacks which makes for a highly enjoyable amount of fun throughout here. Along with the fine gore and zombie make-up, these here are what make it rather fun. Still, as good as this one is there are a few flaws to be found here. While there's a great deal of competence displayed throughout here, this one still has the shaking camera jerking around that makes the whole thing completely undecipherable at times. Thankfully this isn't during the action which takes a much more steadying influence here, but once it gets to the scenes of them standing around in the fields looking out into the sunset or spending endless time trying to enforce their newfound society this one really gets quite jerky as the person holding the camera bounces around quite often in the middle of these bland, boring scenes which are distracting and disorienting. Not only that, but it also highlights the other big flaw to be found here which comes from the lack of time without any kind of real zombie action for large spurts in the film, as they really only take up a few small isolated sections within here as a great deal of this one goes by without a whole lot of the creatures appearing. Given that it brings up the plot line about the returning villain from the original for no reason other than to pad out the time without needing zombies also shows their lack of screen time, and overall it really lowers this one considerably.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Rape.
George Taylor Where the first movie in this hopefully ended series didn't know if it were a serial killer/slasher/zombie movie. This one, like that, expects the viewer to believe that while the world is falling apart, and zombies are running rampant, civilization is falling apart - the some pinhead would take the time to FILM IT? Are you kidding me? I really hate this found footage garbage. If someone survives such an apocalypse, would they really want to watch a worthless film about it? Unconvincing story, so-so acting, fairly bad filming. Laughable special effects. Things like this will kill the zombie movie, since 99 percent of them are trash like this. This is just bad, bad, bad.
dae5555 Hey,this type of filming a movie sucks a big one.It's like watching a very bad home movie shot by the village idiot who couldn't hold the camera still.If they spent a 1.5 million on this piece of garbage they spent 1.4999999 too much.It's a huge waste of resources and money on a project that never should have seen the light of day.Here's a tip if your trying to show realism it''s not realistic for someone to be filming while zombies are chasing you and it's not very entertaining trying to watch a movie that is constantly bobbing up and down ,out of focus or grainy night vision.Please do use all a favor and quit making zombie movies or at least consult with someone who does know how to .(George Romero)
richyp Well, the reason i picked this movie is because of zombies - i always watch anything thats somewhat associated with those things. From the trailer on youtube movie looked quite watchable + shaky cam effect (that so many people dislike) was a good plus too because this makes the movie more personal, like from the first person view or something.But yeah, thats it, movie is a complete disappointment. Zombies are poorly designed (regular people with damaged clothes and little red paint on face with ping pong ball in eye), awful and pointless storyline, as people mentioned - you don't care who dies and who doesn't. They waste ammo all the time for no reason as this movie uses the old slow-mo zombies and you can easily run away, or even slowly walk away and so on.But what disturbed me the most was the following things:1) 70% of the action is in the dark and how is everyone supposed to see if they rarely use flashlights??? if camera has that green night vision turned on it doesn't outputs any actual light, so how the heck can everyone clearly see in the dark? they freely walk in the basements, that bunker etc without flashlights, but they see... extremely annoying! 2) the green color of night vision (simulation?) was disturbing for my eyes 3) zombie rape scene. Seriously?!? :Doverall this movie is a low budget one and not worth the time
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