Psalm 21
Psalm 21
| 22 September 2009 (USA)
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Henrik is a young father who lives in Stockholm, constantly plagued by nightmares with his deceased mother. One day, he receives the news that his father, father, who lives in a remote village, it is drowned and died. The circumstances of drowning are mysterious. Henrik travels to the village to investigate the cause of his death. To find out more about the drowning and on his father, the door to the unknown and open. Shadows of the past emerge, returning to this world for one reason only: revenge.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
PodBill Just what I expected
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Argemaluco The screenplay from Psalm 21 is quite similar to the modern Asian horror which is extinguishing. Or, more precisely, Psalm 21 takes some elements from the Asian horror and it combines them with a religious doctrine in order to create an unstable film which I found tedious, confusing and extremely repetitive.The screenplay from Psalm 21 loses the control very quickly, and its paranormal elements are accumulated without a concrete purpose. Besides, I hated the excessive use of digital effects in order to create demonic faces without rhyme or reason; instead of scaring me, that trick produced me unintentional laughs sometimes, and irritation in other ones.Despite some good technical aspects, I did not like Psalm 21, mainly because I found it lacking of any suspense, horror and ingenuity. In summary, I cannot recommend it, basically due to the fact that it ignored basic conditions; for example, it should have not made me snooze with such a frequency, nor it should have tried to scare us with the same cheap trick like 100 times.
AgentSniff Psalm 21 is one of those few Swedish horror films that actually are good. It come into the company of The Cellar, Let the Right One In and Frostbite. Psalm 21 had the potential to become the best of them all but loses track.The first half is scary as s**t, and has an amazing atmosphere. But it soon loses track. The horror is less in focus and the film as a whole suffers a result. The ending should have been cut out. It's way to into pushing it's message down our throats. The acting is good, but the special effects are silly at times taking away much of the horror in the second part of the movie.
John Friedman A fairly good attempt of venturing into the genre of modern Asian horror, although, with a Scandinavian touch to it. In the story line, we follow when a young priest battles his personal stand point alongside with the modern theology, involving the issue that hell does not exist! However, he will soon experience the contrary when he visits the village where his father recently died.The move contains some chilling scenes when normal people transforms into demon like characters. These special effects are regurgitated throughout the movie, which, in the end loses its supposed scariness.Due to this, my drowsy eyes gains control and the only thing that is occupying my mind is the need of a good night rest. That night, I slept like a baby!
johanberman #may contain spoilers# I just watched this movie last night and to tell the truth i didn't expect much since there are very few Swedish films worth seeing. But this one actually surprised me, in a very bad way.The first thing that hit me was the dialogue and this is one of my major problems with Swedish films in general. Not one person in this entire country speaks this way, all the dialogue feels very forced and clinical. Not to mention the fact the movie is supposed to take place in the northern part of the country yet everyone talks in dialect that is used in our capital.Plotwise there isn't anything even remotely original about it either, its a pretty basic ghost story(although you could argue that there are no ghosts at all) with a few twists that doesn't make any sense at all and an ending that just serves the directors wish to make his views on religion crystal clear.As far as the horror elements go it is also very lacking, basically they're just Ringu inspired ghosts(one scene is almost copy/pasted right out of Ringu 1) and considering how scary the deep woods in northern Sweden can actually be at night they completely messed up by not taking advantage of that.To sum up, this movie isn't worth your time or money. The acting is bellow average but with a script like this im not sure you can blame the actors. Add to this a nonsensical plot and the sub-par horror elements you will only be wasting your time.