The Motel Life
The Motel Life
R | 08 November 2013 (USA)
The Motel Life Trailers

A pair of working-class brothers flee their Reno Motel after getting involved in a fatal hit-and-run accident.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Reno Rangan I have been set eye on this for some time, but only now I been able to see it. It was not as good as I expected, but an okay film. The story of two brothers who were orphaned at very young age and since then they have never been parted as they promised to their mother. Now grown up to adult, one of them commits an accident and decides to run away with it. When the law makes the progress on the case that leads to them, what's now and how they fight it was focused in the rest.Very ordinary screenplay. Feels like a bit realistic, but there's nothing much happening at all. Thanks to those additional animations which actually lifted the film a bit. I loved those sequences over the real film. So this for the first directional film for the Polsky brothers and they were okay. I liked the cast of the brothers. apart from them there's no one that impressive. The romance was very weak, though only the ending was high.I don't know the novel, it was based on, but the film lacked some good scenes or the events. Not just one or two, but in many parts the film should have been better. They should have altered the storyline from the original source. Especially the fate of amputated brother was too intentional as story wanted to end other way around. It was all the sudden and ruined the rhythm. The film is not good for everyone's viewing, so I suggest you be a careful if you want to try it.5/10
Deanmullen2011 The Polsky brothers did a great job at bringing to life this intimate tale of two brothers adapted from Willy Vlautin's 2007 novel. Sympathy for the brother characters is rightly earned by two great performances from Emile Hirsch and Stephen Dorff. Having seen Emile in "Into the Wild (2007)", I feel that this style of film definitely suits his own style of acting. Dakota Fanning also add's her own valuable performance to the film, as one of her many stepping stones from the childhood actress we all knew to a young woman with a successful career ahead in her adult years. An intriguing drama that brings with it a sense of being realistic while still at times, managing to pull off brief humor while at other times being emotional. It isn't perfect but it is undeniably a touching movie, by far one of the better films out there and probably a film not seen by enough people.
LeonLouisRicci Dire, Depressing, and a Bit Boring, this Indie Slice-of-Life Definitely has Talented Filmmakers at Work, but this is so Downbeat that it Never Raises True Concern or Empathy from the Viewer. Mostly Because it just Tries Too Hard.Virtually Humorless, Except in the Violent, Sketchy Animation that has its Charm. But that is about the Only Thing Charming in this Desperate Tale of Brotherhood. Emile Hirsch is Stoic and Noble in His Devotion to the Handicapped Stephen Dorff Playing Against Type as a Half-Wit Artist that is Hobbled by More than just One Leg.It is a Good Try, but the Film is Lifeless in its Showing of a Life with Less than Nothing to Live for. It Needs Some Upbeat Tweak to Contrast and Balance the Bleak and the Bummer that this so Strongly Embraces.
demetriocoffman I became a fan of Stephen Dorff after his role in Sophia Coppola's Somewhere and Emile Hirsch in the great Alpha Dog. Even the smaller roles with Kris Kristofferson and Dakota Fanning are remarkable in this movie. But all the good acting still keeps the flick just a notch above average. Its not so much about life in a motel or all that, but the lives and decisions of two brothers and all the drama that goes with it. Dorff plays an immature amputee who is dependent on Hirsch and does a great job. Man, just watching Dorff complain and cry is almost nerve-racking. The dark, cold, snowy, gloomy scenes make you feel the weather, but I wish there was more to the story line than just good acting and the scenery.