The Mini-Skirt Mob
The Mini-Skirt Mob
NR | 23 May 1968 (USA)
The Mini-Skirt Mob Trailers

Driven by jealousy, the jilted leader of a female motorcycle gang instigates a sadistic reign of terror against her ex-lover and his new bride.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Uriah43 For 5 years "Jeff Logan" (Ross Hagen) has been a member of a rodeo circuit which features a number of men who ride motorcycles and hang out with like-minded females who have formed a club known as the "Mini-Skirt Mob". Although the leader for the entire group is a man named "Lon" (Jeremy Slate) it turns out that a woman named "Shayne" (Diane McBain) is quite skilled at manipulating those in the group to get whatever she wants. This becomes even more pronounced when she is dumped by Jeff a few weeks earlier to marry an outsider named "Connie" (Sherry Jackson). As a result, Shayne becomes furious and decides to do whatever is necessary to break up the marriage between them--and she knows no boundaries. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this turned out to be a satisfactory biker film which contained good amounts of both action and drama. Likewise, the addition of several attractive actresses like Patty McCormick (as "Edie") along with the aforementioned Sherry Jackson and Diane McBain certainly didn't hurt the picture either. In any case, those viewers who enjoy movies of this type could definitely do worse and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.
sonya90028 Actress Diane McBain plays Shayne, the leader of a group of female bikers, who call themselves the Miniskirt Mob. Shayne's ex-beau, rodeo star Jeff Logan (played by John Wayne clone Ross Hagan), dumps her to marry another woman. Crazy with jealousy, Shayne is hellbent on harassing Jeff and his new bride. And she enlists the help of her motorcycle gang, which includes her younger sister, to accomplish this.This film is brimming-over with campy, late-60s energy. The women in the Miniskirt Mob, all wear the shortest of miniskirts, that women wore back then. They all have drop-dead gorgeous bods, and wear mile-high hair-sprayed 'dos, go-go boots, and heavy facial make-up. These women look more like 60s Vogue models, rather than tough biker chicks. Their boyfriends, who are allowed to ride with the gang, are all one dimensional oafs. These dudes drink copious amounts of beer, belch, and generally act like crude goons.Diane McBain as Shayne, is the only cast member that truly conveys a menacing personality. The other characters seem milquetoast by comparison. Ross Hagan as Jeff Logan, gives a particularly stilted performance. Patty McCormick as Shayne's sister Edie, does gives a decent performance. She really makes the toxic sibling rivalry between Edie and Shane, seem credible. The only other cast member who gives an interesting performance, is Harry Dean Stanton. Harry plays the dim-witted cowboy, called Spook. He infuses Spook with a haunting, pathetic, yet smarter-than-he-looks quality.The scenery in the film is gorgeous, but the lighting is a bit garishly bright. There's lots of vivid color contrasts, which gives the film quite a visual punch. The viewer can really get a sense of how uncomfortably hot the characters felt, as they sped down the highways on their bikes in the scorching, southwestern sunshine. There's also plenty of panoramic camera angles. Especially when the characters are racing around hairpin curves, while biking along deserted back roads.This film is hilarious at times, and can also be downright annoying in some scenes. The camp factor is definitely there though, for those who like these sorts of 60s B movies. Overall, it's an entertaining film, and definitely worth a watch, especially for Diane McBain fans.
penseur The name of the production company - whose product nowadays regularly features in Incredibly Strange film festivals - alone should be enough warning as to what to expect in this silly, unintentional parody. "The Mini-Skirts" consist of four girl bikers, the brevity of whose skirts is compensated by the length of their eyelashes - plus, it seems, an equal number of chromosome-challenged boyfriends. The plot mostly consists of them "terrorizing", with varying degrees of enthusiasm, the pack leader's ex-boyfriend because he is now on his honeymoon in a caravan with another gal. Much of it naturally is an excuse for shots of the females riding around the wilds of Arizona on their Triumph motorbikes. Hmmm. Wouldn't it be rather cold dressed like that, how long would those hair-do's last? You also get regular glimpses of panties. As Leonard Maltin says in his movie guidebook, those who like the title should like the film.
schles-1 As the title implies, this film is about mini-skirts. It is also about under-wear that is revealed by the afore-mentioned mini-skirts. There is a story, and some acting, props, etc., so perhaps the total package might qualify as a "movie". Now as far as my review, you notice that I gave it a 9 while many others are in the 2 to 4 range. This is due to high marks for honesty or better yet integrity. These guys and gals set out to film young women with short enough skirts so that a young male audience could get a glimpse of their under-pants. Since they accomplished their goal, they deserve a 9. Anything less would be un-fair. But than again, so was the rumor circulating around Van Nuys in late 1968 that a scene in this movie involved one of the females revealing she had forgotten to include panties in her costume.