The Coed and the Zombie Stoner
The Coed and the Zombie Stoner
NR | 18 April 2014 (USA)
The Coed and the Zombie Stoner Trailers

When a sorority girl falls in love with a zombie, it's only a matter of time before a zombie apocalypse is unleashed on campus. The sorority girl discovers that weed is the cure. Now, she must smoke out the whole school before it's too late.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Steineded How sad is this?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
professorworles-17436 This movie...This movie is going to be the death of me!Anyway, this is one of the most atrocious things I've ever seen put to film (I call it a thing because it isn't really a film-- more like an assemblage of unfunny penis and marijuana jokes strung together by a plot dumber than any of the fake trailers in the film "Grindhouse" (an actual good intentionally bad movie)).So, what makes this film so egregiously awful, you may be asking? Well, to do that, I'd have to spoil the entire film, but this is my review, so, yeah...The movie opens up with a montage of naked women (because boobs are funny?) running into a sorority house from what are presumably zombies (though the film never directly states this). Insert a penis joke so that we can cut to what is ultimately a joke referencing a better zombie movie (28 Days Later), because just making a reference counts as comedy, right? Anyways, we cut to a college party where we see our protagonist Chrissy making jell-o shots, only so they can be used later in the same scene as a set-up to a period joke that ultimately isn't funny. Humiliated, Chrissy runs to the science lab where she discovers a zombie (that she's never noticed until now?), and ultimately decides to make it her boyfriend so she can stay in the sorority and keep her scholarship (what?). Seeking revenge on Chrissy (for something that is never actually explained in the film), Bambi, the leader of the sorority, tries to get the zombie to cheat on Chrissy so that she can break them up and get her kicked out. No character development is ever established for Bambi except that she's a deplorable human being. So, the zombie gets mad, starts biting people up, and ultimately, all hell breaks loose...To keep a long story short, they cure the zombie infection with weed, leading to more drugs, nudity, and childish humor.Stay as far away from this movie as possible! I love movies that are so bad, it's good, but this movie is just genuinely frustrating to watch! I implore you to watch a good zom-com like Dead Alive or Shaun of the Dead!Whoa... That felt good to get off of my chest!Time to go watch a good movie to cleanse my palate (inserts some pretentious art-house film into the Blu-ray player)!
xitchell This movie is like it was made by a group of obnoxious people who think they're funny, but only laugh at each others jokes. Meanwhile people sit around quietly and wonder when they'll all shut up. It's offensive, vulgar, immature, but still able to come up with the occasional laugh, as low hanging as the jokes are.The plot revolves around (spoils ahead) the only smart girl in the movie and her discovery her teacher was involved in creating a zombie with an appropriately named machine. However this zombie is 'special' because it is a particularly relaxed zombie with no interest in snacking on brains and more focused on sparking up a joint and gaining the affection of main character Crissy. Of course the zombie virus gets around, Obviously this is by no means a traditional zombie movie, and rather focuses on the recent trend of the comedic zombie movie. Sadly, it's not very effective at being funny throughout, and seems to focus more on raunchy jokes like they wanted to be some American Pie esque, college movie with cardboard cut outs for characters. The result is a movie that begs you to turn off your brain to enjoy, lest you go out and do something productive (like make a better movie). This movie seems to have gone all out to be cheesy so it can be categorized as one of those really bad MST3K movies that is still enjoyable to make fun because it's that bad. However to me this movie couldn't even accomplish the essence of a B movie because it was painfully obvious that the filmmakers were going for that sort of tone, and ended up making a movie in the same vein as Sharknado; the movie knowingly winks at you over how terrible it is, and it comes off as annoying as opposed to amusing.On the bright side, if you like full frontal nudity but feel pornography doesn't have enough cheap jokes or gore, this could be the movie for you. Otherwise, I'd advise people to stay away from this horrible, horrible, film.
chrismackey1972 This was a wretchedly awful movie. I've seen porn films with better stories and acting than this had. It seems as if this is a movie that was made to basically make fun of itself. Some movies like that are funny, this is not one of them. It's stupid. I think the only reason the girls in this were hired is because they have no problem doing nude scenes, and there are a lot of nude scenes in this movie. I think every girl - certainly all the girls with speaking roles - got naked to some extent. Two of the girls showed absolutely everything. If you like seeing bad movies with a lot of nudity to shore up the lack of...anything else, watch this or a porn film. However, a porn film might have the edge on both acting and nudity. lol I was going to give this a 1-star rating, but the girls are hot - and I'm not against hot girls showing off their bodies - so I had to give them some credit. lol.I gave it a 2-star rating. The people in this might be able to act better, but I haven't seen anything else they've been, and they're acting in this film is not good. However, as I said earlier, it seems like this film was made to purposely make fun of itself, so maybe the director told them to turn off their acting ability. I don't know. For their sake, I'm hoping that's what happened.I cannot recommend at all. If you have a lust for watching everything the word "zombie" is in, do yourself a favor, as well as the genre, and skip this. I cannot say anything good about this movie, except that the girls were hot.
mmelons1 I am a lover of horror movies. When the movie has horror like elements plus comedy I am tickled. The Coed and Zombie Stoner is full of action and witty one liners. The cast, story line, and gore will keep anyone hooked from the first scene. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants entertained for 90 minutes non stop. It really is a treat. The screenplay writer definitely has a sense of humor all his own. The tampon scene is PRICELESS!!There were so many scenes where you would roll on the floor laughing. I loved how the movie had a different spin on zombies. You really root for the Coed and the Zombie Stoner. The movie really takes you through many emotions. I am so happy I came across this flick. It's a must see.