Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
PG | 12 March 2004 (USA)
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London Trailers

With all-new gadgets, high-flying action, exciting chases and a wisecracking new handler, Derek (Anthony Anderson), Cody has to retrieve the device before the world's leaders fall under the evil control of a diabolical villain.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Sancy Jeg In this story a sixteen year old boy who is also a CIA, Cody is now on another mission. He have to save everyone with his new friends Derek and Emily. I think this movie was not so good as the first part. Anyway I liked it a little bit. I suggest this movie to all to watch it. I think everyone should go for it. It is good for one time watch.
gridoon2018 Rushed sequel to the 2003 surprise hit "Agent Cody Banks"; this one flopped at the box office and effectively terminated any plans for a series. Teenagers in an undemanding mood might still go for it, but adults may not be so forgiving. Though the cast tries, and there are a few cute and amusing moments, the film is overall uninspired and by-the-numbers. Even the London footage doesn't add much. ** out of 4.
Python Hyena Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004): Dir: Keith Allen / Cast: Frankie Muniz, Anthony Anderson, Hannah Spearritt, Keith David, Cynthia Stevenson: Campy family fare with nothing to do with London other than its destination. It might have been fitting had the title bore some cultural reference but the film seems content with being simple. Teenager Cody Banks is sent to London to retrieve a disc that contains a mind control device. He is assisted by his handler, played by Anthony Anderson and sent undercover at the music academy even though he cannot play an instrument. Dull formula premise climaxing with kitty violence, as if these Conservative groups are suppose to applaud that. Director Keith Allen is backed by creative gadgets that assist Cody on his mission. Frankie Muniz is likable as Banks but he is merely repeating what he has done before with little new development. Likewise Anderson is a fine comic talent but he never rises above that into a broad three dimensional role. Hannah Spearritt plays a young British agent who deserves better than being a potential heart throb. Other roles are flat or downright stupid but that more or less what the plot boils down to. Pointless drivel becomes the typical sequel offering little more than an opportunity to cash in on previous success. Forget London. Its best destination will be any place where trash bins exist. Score: 2 / 10
jason06-1 Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London is a complete waste of your time unless you like crude jokes and nothing elsePlot: During a game of hide and go seek at the training camp a top secret mind control device has been stolen by Kenworth (James Faulkner) and Diaz (Keith Allen). Agent Cody Banks (Frankie Muniz) is sent by the C. I. A. Director (Keith David) undercover as a violin player at a fancy and rich music school where Kenworth lives with his wife. There he meets his sidekick Derek (Anothny Anderson) and at school he meets Emily (Hannah Spearitt). Together all three of them must find the mind control device and take it back before something happens, but complications arise as Kenworth and Diaz figure out how to make the device work. The Good News: There is really not a lot to like here. Out of the few positives the two fight scenes at the end layered over with the music is all good and I have to say I rewound that part several times. The new gadgets are all nice and neat and cool and any little kid would want them. The action scenes are well thought out, but are not as spectacular as the ones in the first. The one that really stands out is the factory chase with all the crates everywhere that make for great hiding places and it's rather satisfying. The returning actors do great and the new faces are rather horrible. Some parts are unpredictable, but there are only a few of them.The Bad News: Oh, where do I start? OK, no Hilary Duff. Instead we get some twenty- three year old posing as a high schooler and that story about Hilary not being able to come back because of school is false. On the commentary for A Cinderilla Story she clearly states she didn't go to high school and I would highly doubt that she would be in college by now. Oh well, anyway the new faces have know idea what they're doing and wonder around with a blank stare saying lines like they're reading off an eye chart. Anohny Anderson is the worst and his attempts at humor are ridiculous. At one point he brings up three jars of his pee to distract the guards so Cody can sneak through. The whole thing is not funny and leaves you feeling empty. That's another thing, when the credits roll the whole film leaves you feeling empty and sad you wasted your time on this. The gadgets are cool as I stated earlier, but the whole scene is almost ruined by a terrible actor delivering the gadgets and his weak attempts at comedy. The car that Cody and Derek rid in is too ridiculously to be taken seriously and the brings up another point. Our villains are not scary in the least, in the first one you actually knew what they could do and were capable of. It's heard to be scared of a villain who farts every so often. There are a lot more problems with this film, but I thing I've said enough.Conclusion: Do not see this if you were a fan of the original or does not find crude jokes funny. If you do think they are funny well what are you waiting for? Grab yourself a DVD copy today! But for me I'll stick with the first one. Not RecommendedRated: PGfor action violence and some crude humor
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