Miracle in Lane 2
Miracle in Lane 2
G | 13 May 2000 (USA)
Miracle in Lane 2 Trailers

Young tween Justin Yoder, who's known for his outgoing demeanor and wit despite being confined to a wheelchair, dreams to be like his athletic older brother and propels himself into the world of soapbox derby racing. It's a field he's sure he has a chance in. Unfortunately, he finds that because of his condition, not everyone is eager to see him compete.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
gavinlucraft I am a big fan of this movie and like this movie because it is a good way to show people what hydrocephalus is really like. i know the movie can't show the condition in full as this is a Disney movie it does show the struggle of people with the condition.As i have hydrocephalus myself i found it rather interesting to watch. I totally know what the character in the movie feels like in the scenes where he is not feeling too good.If you haven't seen this movie it is a great way to learn a little bit about hydrocephalus i would tell anybody who hasn't seen it to definitely do so. its a good one
garyandkitty Justin Yoder (played by Frankie Muniz) is your average twelve-year-old kid, except for a movement problem known as spina bifida. He likes sports, but until a point near the end of the movie when he finds out he at least has a chance to be good at something. I indirectly quote: "Okay, there may be a few minor problems with me trying to win a trophy. For starters, will I have enough time? You see, I have a problem called hydrocephalus. It makes spinal fluid build up in my head. One shunt malfunction, and unless they get me to the emergency room right away . . .well, you get the picture." Right after he says, "you get the picture," I always say to the TV, "Yeah, I do." This is because I have the same problem, but we won't get into that yet. There are some very funny parts scattered throughout the movie, like right after Justin explains hydrocephalus. His parents and brother freak out. I like the climax, because it is realistic. I think you know what happens.
loraine2 Justin Yoder (Frankie Muniz) wants desperately to win a trophy. He wants to compete, to succeed, to win. One problem. Justin is in a wheelchair.While his disability has hampered him for years, Justin finally finds something that he can do--soapbox derbies. After talking his parents into it, he launches into a whole new stage of his life, finding that he is good at something, and he might even have a chance at a trophy.This movie caught my eye one day a little over a year ago on the Disney channel. I watch 'Malcolm in the Middle' and quickly recognized Frankie Muniz. However, it was not him I came away loving, it was Patrick Levis. Patrick plays Seth Yoder, Justin's older brother. I have a brother of my own with a disability, so I understood every single one of Seth's feelings and frustrations. The scene in which Seth breaks down and spills his feelings to his father was especially poignant. Thank you, Patrick, for such a beautiful and understanding performance. This movie is careful not to deny the truths of being a sibling to someone with a disability--a rare and wonderful thing for films.All in all, a magnificent piece of work, especially for a made-for-TV movie.
somswimcats I luved this movie. On the Disney Channel they do it to death but I don't care I watch it all the time. My mom said that Seth was a jerk but I could understand him, though I migh want to point out that I will always think of him from So Wird. You might say that he is a jerk on that too but I like him anyways. On Brink he is nice. I think that this movie should have ended with Justin geting the trophy and maybe a sene where it showed the trophy on the shelf. Cause I really was not crazy about the angels in the wheel chairs scene either.