Die and Let Live
Die and Let Live
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Die and Let Live Trailers

Comedy - Benny throws a party to help woo his crush Stephanie. But when bloodthirsty zombies crash the party, Benny and his friends find themselves fighting for their lives! - Josh Lively, Zane Crosby, Sarah Bauer

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Michael Ledo In Fairmont, WV, Frumcorp Pharmaceuticals Medical Testing Facility has let out virus infected people. The virus kills and reanimates people (zombies). However the story really centers on a couple of guys sporting stupid dialogue the whole film thinking themselves witty. The zombies are low budget with what appears to be bright red paint. They didn't even walk convincingly. It appears the film was going for camp value and thought boring inane dialogue with some old punkish sounding music would create a cult following. Two minutes of a guy putting on PF Flyers and similar filler didn't make it for me.Good Luck.Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Large butt crack nudity.
Leofwine_draca DIE AND LET LIVE is a stoner-style zombie comedy horror indie about a bunch of slacker kids at the world's dullest party which gets gatecrashed by a couple of zombies. These attacks consist of badly made-up actors overacting a lot and eating a couple of extras in three to four zombie attack sequences spaced throughout the movie. The rest consists of actors standing around awkwardly and exchanging sleep-inducing dialogue. There's also the ubiquitous Lloyd Kaufman cameo.
jfgibson73 I came really close to turning this movie off after about 20 minutes. I went in cold, not knowing that it was a horror movie. It starts off with a lot of self-involved college students hanging out at the coffee shop obsessing over their little lives which have just begun to sprout like tender buds. I stuck with it, however, and it paid off big time.The bulk of the movie takes place in the second of two settings, a summer house being used for a party. I was just surprised at how the humor took a turn and became much more clever in the second half. As the kids are having a party, zombies overtake the city and gather outside the fence. Near the end of the story, the friendship between the two lead characters is developed. Earlier in the movie, we didn't really know they were BFFs. So it kind of put a different perspective on the action from that point on. I think if they had done a better job of establishing the characters earlier on, this may have been more enjoyable all the way through. The next time I will watch it, though, I will be noticing more and seeing it differently. It is silly, campy, self-referential, and full of irony, but I laughed out load. This proves that camp doesn't have to be discovered--it CAN be created.
MaxDevonshire This movie is a funny and well written piece of horror/comedy. The shots were well established and the atmosphere of the piece mostly maintained through the use of darkness more so than music (which is my only gripe, and it is a minor one) or background locations. It holds a horror feel for the opening scene, but is lost by the mostly ska soundtrack in the opening credits proceeding it. Light is then shed that this is not just a horror flick with a ska sound, but a comedic piece as displayed by the two lead actors. Their natural conversation is very convincing in a Kevin Smith/Quentin Tarantino way (more so on the ladder than the former). The chemistry between the two leads draws the viewer in to the life of the two normal teens, and holds you there for the rest of the piece. Later on, the script really starts to shine with many clever references to a popular children's movie for people who are between 15-25 years old. The parallels are worked in to points one would tend to think they wouldn't come up. This coupled with the original humor can make the unenlightened people of the aforementioned film still really enjoy this movie. The special effects are passable, mostly because that is not the focus of the piece, and I don't mean to become monotonous but most of the other aspects of the film (none of which were bad) were shadowed by the sheer outstanding script and lead actor's natural talents. Overall, I felt the film "Die and Let Live" was a breath of fresh air as far as low-budget horror goes. As for the folks whose primary concern is breasts and gore, you may want to look elsewhere, but for anyone looking for a solid piece of independent film, I implore you to spend the time on "Die and Let Live".