Slow Moe
Slow Moe
G | 01 January 2010 (USA)
Slow Moe Trailers

An awkward teenage boy's dream comes true when he finds a mysterious pair of glasses that turns him into the greatest baseball player his town has ever seen. He quickly learns that winning doesn't mean anything if you can't be proud of how you play the game.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.