Dreamer: Inspired By a True Story
Dreamer: Inspired By a True Story
PG | 21 October 2005 (USA)
Dreamer: Inspired By a True Story Trailers

Ben Crane believes that a severely injured racehorse deserves another chance. He and his daughter Cale adopt the mare and save it from being sacrificed by the owner.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
SnoopyStyle Cale Crane (Dakota Fanning) lives on a horse farm with no horses. Their farm is holding on with her mother Lily (Elisabeth Shue) working as a diner waitress. Her father Ben (Kurt Russell) doesn't get along with his father Pop (Kris Kristofferson). Ben trains horses for the rich owner Palmer (David Morse) who races his horse despite Ben's advise. The horse is injured and Palmer wants to put her down. Palmer fires Ben. Ben takes the horse for compensation. Partly through obsession, partly through skills, partly with love, and the hard work of everybody including Manolin (Freddy Rodriguez) and Balon (Luis Guzman), they bring her back to health. It's a roller-coaster ride when they find out that she is infertile.This is an unabashed sentimental movie. Russell is great as the strong solid father under pressure. It's a good move that his character is healing the horse for the money rather than any moral stance. Fanning is adorable enough and spunky enough. It's a terrific underdog story. The movie is full of familiar clichés. It's probably too overloaded with them but Russell and Fanning make them work most of the time.
Anup Viswanathan Thampi I saw this movie as I had seen a good review from IMDb itself....moreover I was compelled to see this film as Dakota Fanning was in this movie........even though Kurt Russell was in this movie..........I expected it to be her movie and it was..........She is an amazing talent whom we had seen in I am sam,Hide and seek,war of the worlds,push,winged creatures............without much effort she delivers the beautiful performances and it makes me wonder..............The story has inspired me and has made me realise that to achieve anything we must believe.............even when odds are against us..............this film brings out true value of relationship and will to uphold the most thing in which you believe.................
debruin1975 Well, kinda lost for words... if you are a true horse lover (or maybe own horses) get this movie. If you despise horses: leave it on the shelve. But this film has everything: the love of a young girl for a broken down horse is so intense, you'll be in no time right in the middle of this movie. And the finale is so.... wait, I don't spoil it. You gotta see it to believe it! 10 out of 10. (or maybe even higher!)I had seen this movie in the cinemas and I just had to see this one, but I could not find it. They only had the (terribly dubbed!) dutch version. I browsed every store and finally: at last I found the movie, included was a cdrom with some neat demos but I only care for this magnificent movie.And o yes: try to run this movie in Dolby Surround: you won't believe you ears!
MLDinTN This is a feel good film. It stars the ever adorable Dakota Fanning. She lives on a horse farm, yet her family has no horses. Her parents struggle to pay the bills and have to sell most of their farm. Her dad is a horse training. One of his horses breaks her leg running a race. The owner wants to put the horse down, but the dad, Ben, agrees to take the horse and some money as payment before being fired. Healing the horse helps to heal the relationships between dad and daughter and Ben and his pop. Ben gives Cale ownership of the horse and trains it with help to one day race again. She enters the horse in the Breeder's Cup. And since it is a feel good family film, you can guess how it ends. But, it's a good story to get to the the predictable ending.FINAL VERDICT: Worth watching, kids will like it. And if you like horses, I recommend it to.