Duane Hopwood
Duane Hopwood
R | 11 November 2005 (USA)
Duane Hopwood Trailers

A down-on-his-luck divorced father struggles to get his life and family back together before it's too late.

Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
strangerdave-2 There is always more to a human being than meets the eye. But it's a rare film that provides any kind of depth to movie characters, who are all too frequently one-dimensional drones - good or bad, mean or nice, caring or indifferent. Duane Hopwood is that rare film that delves deep below the surface of each of the main characters.David Schwimmer plays Hopwood, a divorced Atlantic City father who works as a pit boss at Caeser's. Our first impression of him is one of revulsion. He's driving drunk, pounding a beer while bobbing and weaving down the highway. And if that wasn't bad enough, after he's pulled over he reveals to the cop that his 8 year old daughter is asleep in the backseat.As the film develops, though, so does Schwimmer's character. Hopwood is really a caring father, albeit one who's alcoholism has gotten the better of him. His compassion - at least when he's sober - extends not only to his two daughters, but to his ex-wife (Janeane Garafaolo), a friend who needs a place to stay (Judah Friedlander), his elderly gay neighbors, and even an obnoxious loudmouth at the casino, much to Hopwood's eventual detriment.Garafaolo appears at first as a miserable, angry, shrew, but her character develops as well, revealing a struggling single mom whose kids are her primary concern.At the end of the film, the ex-wife and the kids have packed up and left New Jersey for South Carolina with her new beau, and Duane has been fired from his job. It's not at all clear if he will be able to get on the wagon, deal with the departure of those for whom he cares the most, and put his life back together. But there is a ray of hope. And we're left rooting for him.
disdressed12 David Schwimmer plays the title character,who is married with two kids and works in a casino.then one stupid mistake,and he loses everything.this film is not at all preachy.it's more of an observation about how devastating alcohol abuse can be.Janeane Garofalo plays Linda,Duane's(ex)wife.both Schwimmer and Garofalo are excellent here.Schwimmer sheds his Friends persona with ease.i was not reminded of that show at all.this is a drama,but it also has some lite comedy bits.it's not depressing at all.in fact,i think it's hopeful and even uplifting.it's a small,independent gem that a lot of people did not see,unfortunately.if you get a chance,i highly recommend you watch it.10/10
r04 This film certainly includes some good performances. Schwimmer is believable as a drunken loser, but also maintains his likability. Judah Friedlander succeeds in bringing much-needed levity and humor to the film.But, overall, this one just misses the mark. Lacking any real story, we are led through a series of events that never culminate in anything. Yes, there are some serious themes brought up (my dad drank and it didn't destroy our family; friends can become our surrogate families; etc.) but none are played out enough.Poor editing leads to uneven pacing throughout, terrible music choices create a disjointed feel, some of the worst DP work I've ever seen--unattractive angles, poor lighting, too many close-ups--make the viewer cringe at times. And Garofalo--whose work I usually like--seems miscast and out of her element here.Where is the climax of the film? I don't think there was one. Where is the ending? That's also missing.It's a mess. The question I kept asking myself was "Why this story?" Why did this story need to be told?
Leenever I guess I missed it in theaters. Movies come and go so fast, it's like they expect you to pitch a tent and be first in line. anyway, I felt this movie shoulda gotten a helluva lot more of a look than it did cause I saw it on DVD a few nights ago with no idea it was as good as it was. You know, well there's no copies of The Family Stone, let's try this. First of all, The Family Stone is cute in spots (I got a copy last night) but no where near as good as Daune Hopwood. Not even close! How the hell can movies like this fall through the cracks, when all this other crap is in your face 24/7? Money, I guess. Little movies get screwed, big movies get big press. A shame. Check this out if you want to care about something cinematic for a change. Brandt Fayber Gainseville, Florida