| 26 September 2014 (USA)
Outcast Trailers

A mysterious warrior teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel brother, who seeks their deaths.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kirpianuscus a very simple one.mix between Extreme Orient and crusade. references to "Kingdom of Heaven". and Hayden Christensen in a role who represents only large embroidery of clichés. politic, duty, love, fights, the past, the duty, few drops of humor and the all basic pieces from westerns, Jackie Chan/Jet Li historical films, story as pretext for fight scenes. and Nicholas Cage in a role using his name as locomotive. it is very strange to define "Outcast" as bad film. it is one of many movies for a real precise target. nothing more. seductive for details and for the chance to Hayden Christensen to give a version of his Anakin Skywalker.
Almeida Findi From the very first scene, this movie exceeded all my expectations. The director was the choreographer for Bourne Identity (2002) as well as several other action movies, and he really outdid himself here. The fights are stunning, incredibly fast paced but coherent. The main attraction is sword fights, but there's a healthy dosage of 1-0-1 combat here and if you enjoy fights from movies such as the Bourne series I can only say you're in for a real treat. There are a lot of innovations too, for instance several shots in the fight sequences are used to make you feel like you're in the fight. It absolutely works and I can't stop watching it over and over again.It's not all dumb action though, the director brings some much needed freshness to filmmaking in the camera work. While the fights are fast, brutal and visceral, the shots of dialogue and more calm scenes are wider and steadier. The audience also gets to see some shots from unexpected places like very close to the surface of the water or the inside of a bowl, which are nicely integrated with the rest of the footage providing an immersive experience. They don't look like Go Pro video at all like in a lot of other movies (if it is then it's very well treated in post production).The movie was mostly shot in China, and it yields beautiful landscapes. We can also see from the viewpoint of the characters eyes at points, something I found to really contribute to the storytelling and used to great effect as you'll see in the movie. The story is really good and has some nice depth to it. The chemistry really works between the cast. Nicolas Cage does a decent job, though his character here doesn't demand much, and Andy On is really good as the films villain. Bill Su Jiahang is terrific as young prince Zhao and the chemistry between the main characters really works. The real highlight here though is Hayden Christensen as Jacob and Yifei Liu as Lian. Hayden is just amazing and really sells his part, while Yifei is just the cutest. They are really great together and there is a nice but reasonable dosage of humor in there too. I'll guarantee you'll be rooting badly for their characters. Combined with a good score is that is very well edited into the movie, this is a beautiful tale. I saw it with my whole family and they all loved it. Speaking for myself as a movie enthusiast, I can say this is a very well made picture.Despite all this greatness however, the shooting style of the action sequences can be it's biggest downfall if the movie is not displayed properly. The fact is the vast majority of TVs around are not up to scratch to display this. I saw it on Blu Ray on an OLED TV, which has an instant response time and 24p playback. I'd say 24p playback is almost a requirement for this movie. Watching it on Netflix on an iPad made many action sequences get overwhelming and messy pretty quick, and I must say this is one of the titles I saw the most difference in video quality between Netflix and Blu Ray. Motion performance is one area where the quality of TVs has actually degraded in the transition from Plasma to LCD and OLED, manufacturers really have to get their act together.It really saddens me to see internet bashers ripping this movie apart. Yes, it has flaws and I could nitpick them all day like some other reviewers have done here, but let's not mistake the forest for the tree. I don't think they're being fair, they love up terrible movies and completely skimp over their glaring and numerous flaws while making a huge effort to bash anything that doesn't adhere to their idea of a great movie. The fact is this is one of the few good movies that have been released in the last few years and I highly recommend watching this in the best quality you can.
george walters I don't even know where to begin to review this movie. I knew it would be bad from the trailers but nothing had prepared me for this. My brother really wanted to give this one a try for a good laugh so we thought "why not".First you should know it is NOT a Nicholas Cage movie, unlike what the posters / trailers show. He's barely present on screen. Hayden Christensen however takes the lead and you see him in 90% of the movie.His stupid soccer player haircut coupled with his absolutely absurd accent makes the movie unwatchable. Cage's accent isn't even better. I don't know what they were both shooting for but it almost makes me regret having actors use an Irish / British accent for Crusade - Medieval movies.The action is set somewhere in China but most of the Asian actors had an indistinctive American accent, save for that one child with a very South London accent (for no reason). It was more than immersion breaking.Not a single character is useful to the plot. The action scenes are poorly made and I admit I fell asleep 5-6 times, my brother had to wake me up. He actually fell asleep before the movie ended. Please, this movie isn't one that is "so bad it's good". It's so bad you'll fall asleep. Avoid at all costs
Sheila R. Cone What I liked about this film was that it was clean and fun. I enjoyed seeing Hayden Christensen do something different. Some parts were a little silly, but it was enjoyable. There were some historical elements to it, and a lot of action. I also liked the conflicts of different perspectives.This is my favorite role of Hayden Christensen's of late. Nic Cage's character was a little over the top for me. It is not the best film ever made, but it wasn't that bad either. I watched it back to back the first time.I also enjoyed the interviews and making of in the special features section.